Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota |

COSS 2023 – Poster Session 2

P34. “Haití: El sincretismo transatlántico y la religión (Haiti: The Transatlantic Syncretism and Religion)”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Alissa Edjacin

Mentored by: Dr. Fanny Roncal Ramirez


El sincretismo se define como la fusión de dos o más formas flexivas originalmente diferentes y el sincretismo transatlántico se refiere específicamente a la fusión que ocurrió a través del océano Atlántico entre África, Europa y las Américas. Ya sea religiosa, cultural o culinaria, la cultura Haitiana ha sido redefinida por ese sincretismo. A pesar de la mezcla de religiones en Haití, el vudú se considera una religión menor en muchos lugares y tiene una connotación negativa en la sociedad Haitiana (Murrell 67). El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las complejidades religiosas de Haití y la medida en que el sincretismo transatlántico afectó las creencias religiosas en Haití. Los datos recopilados provienen de fuentes primarias y secundarias, lo que hará posible pintar una imagen más amplia de la cultura vudú a medida que se examina información antigua y nueva. También se realizarán entrevistas y encuestas presenciales y online y se recogerán los datos en un análisis cualitativo. Esta investigación es importante porque hay una investigación mínima sobre el vudú Haitiano, mientras que el vudú de NOLA y el vudú Africano han tenido más exposición. Por lo tanto, la investigación realizada para este ensayo puede arrojar luz sobre el vudú Haitiano y servir como un examen poscolonial con la esperanza de que los Haitianos analicen los puntos de vista y consideren si son realmente suyos o les han sido impuestos como resultado del colonialismo.

Syncretism is defined as the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms and the transatlantic syncretism refers specifically to the fusion that happened across the Atlantic ocean between Africa, Europe and the Americas. Whether it is religious, cultural, or culinary, Haiti’s culture has been redefined by said syncretism. Despite the amalgamation of religions in Haiti, Voodoo is seen as a lesser religion in many places and holds negative connotation in Haitian society (Murrell 67). The goal of this research is to analyze Haiti’s religious complexities and the extent to which transatlantic syncretism affected religious belief in Haiti. The data collected comes from primary and secondary sources which will allow a broader picture to be painted of the culture of voodoo as information both old and new are examined. Interviews and surveys will also be carried out in person and online and the data will be compiled in a qualitative analysis. This investigation is important because there exists minimal research on Haitian Voodoo whereas NOLA Voodoo and African Voodoo have gotten more exposure. Therefore, investigative research done for this essay can provide insights on Haitian Voodoo and serve as a post colonial examination in hopes that Haitians analyze the viewpoints and consider if they are really their own or have been imposed on them as a result of colonialism.

P35. “Cambia Social como Resultado de Mujeres – Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Veronica Wolfe

Mentored by: Dr. Fanny Roncal Ramirez

This poster will be communicated in Spanish.


During the 20th Century in Argentina, a history of governmental centralism and political uprisings gave way to a series of dictatorships and tragic human rights violations. After his 1976 overthrowing of the previous Argentine leader, Armed Forces general Jorge Rafael Videla became Argentina’s newest dictator and assumed ultimate control of the country. Videla focused on controlling the people’s access to oppositional media, the free speech of intellectuals and his opponents, and initiated the disappearance and killing of thousands of young men when he felt his control wavering. Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo began when women viewed their sons’ disappearances as an intentional act rather than isolated incidents. What began as several women protesting together in the form of silent marches became hundreds of mothers wearing white headscarves, distributing photos of missing adolescents, and protesting together. Their power came from their unwavering determination, despite the dangers involved, to find their sons and their strength in numbers. Las Madres impacted the course of the revolution against Videla- these mothers strived to make the public understand that protesting does not equal terrorism and that their sons may have been taken, but their maternal love cannot be taken away. Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo slowly shifted their view to a more generalized look at how Videla’s government violated human rights and initiated the abuses against any perceived opposition. Their work helped raise awareness to the human rights abuses that permeated Videla’s dictatorship, and also helped initiate a change to a democratic system of government after Videla left office.

Despite many of Las Madres never seeing their sons again, their effect on modern Argentina remains strong and ever important. Two years after the democratic regime took over Argentina’s government from Videla, Videla was charged with and declared guilty for the disappearance and killings of hundreds of Argentine people during his rule. Today, we see the ever-strong influence of protests that is imbedded in the Argentine culture and a multitude of parks and honors dedicated to Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo. Argentina celebrates the mothers’ strength and determination to defend human rights, and many of these women continue to protest to prevent their work and their sons’ murders from being forgotten.

P36. “Family Law: The Good, Bad, and Ugly – As Told by Local Family Law Attorneys”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Kayla Molstre

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


Family law is among the most personal forms of law – it deals directly with the relationships between family members. Family attorneys work alongside their clients everyday in dealing with some of life’s most intimate, sensitive components – divorce, child custody, adoption, prenuptial agreements, gestational carrier agreements, and LGBTQ+ law. While these topics are assumably taxing on the clients, I decided to delve even deeper into the practice and explore the impact that this type of law has on its attorneys. Across the span of several weeks, I am both observing and interviewing eleven family law attorneys and their day-to-day work. By both watching and inquiring about their practice, I seek to inform the masses on an entirely new perspective – the type that you can only get by being in the firm. Together with the attorneys of Gjesdahl Law, P.C., I will be analyzing the effects that practicing family law have on the attorneys doing it.

P37. “Zapatos y retratos: La vida cotidiana española”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Kaija Johnson

Mentored by: Ady Johnson


Presenting digital, narrated photography, this art exhibition depicts a series of Spanish portraits and street photography. It visually transmits the culture and daily life of Spaniards. The exhibition includes photos from the Spanish autonomous communities of Madrid, Castilla y León, Andalucía, Asturias, Galicia, and las Islas Canarias. The photos were taken during a semester study abroad program.

P38. “Representation of ASD in Literature”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Kayla Moe

Mentored by: Dr. Amy Watkin


The goal of my research this past summer was to bring greater awareness to ASD and help those diagnosed with the disorder find representation through literature. Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is commonly generalized in many ways that do not fully encompass the wide range of identities that intersect with ASD and therefore come nowhere near full representation. By researching literature about ASD and developing a resource that indexes it, I can help those diagnosed with the disorder find books that reflect their unique, individual experiences. In conducting my research, I looked for books that accurately represent ASD in intersection with other identities. This includes books about women, people of color, parents, children, and more who are diagnosed with ASD. I particularly focused on selecting literature that was written by authors who identify with having an ASD diagnosis or who have a close connection with someone on the spectrum. The final product of my research is a website resource that indexes literature about ASD and categorizes it for greater accessibility. These categories are divided by traditional genres as well as the unique identities they represent, such as race, sexuality, gender, age, and more. Each book is listed with a brief synopsis. This website is an ongoing project intended for use by educators, parents, students, and anyone else who wants to learn more about ASD, as well as for those on the spectrum looking for personal representation.

P39. “Health Care Disparities in Indigenous Women in Guatemala”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Gissell Arevalo Martinez

Mentored by: Dr. Fanny Roncal Ramirez


Indigenous women around the world face numerous of disparities that can all connect to each other. In many Latin American countries the life of an indigenous women is one of the most vulnerable life to live in, experiencing in the worse in many different aspects of life. According to (Chomat, alt), the number one cause of death amongst indigenous women is complicated in pregnancy-related situations. Health care is a privilege in many different countries. Women are at a socioeconomic disadvantage when it comes to receiving adequate health care services. It becomes difficult for them to experience quick access. According to Ceron, atl., Guatemala has one of the highest proportions of indigenous groups. Guatemala has 23 ethnic groups and around 45% of the population belongs to one of the 23 groups. Like many Latina American countries, Guatemala’s history of colonization has brought massive destruction and disparities in their pre-colonial communities and current communities. Understanding what indigenous people in Latina American countries go through, is understanding how and what polices in these countries are doing about the issues. I will be reading papers that have given me an insight of what Guatemala is facing with their indigenous communities in the health care systems and making a qualitative analysis. It is not surprising that indigenous communities face disparities, the results are to showcase the reality and day-to-day experiences of indigenous women in Guatemala. This project will also be given in Spanish. The reason why it will also be in Spanish is because of the diversity of research. The research is given in Spanish, therefore, to spread awareness of the variety of research done in different languages. This carries the weight of language barriers that many people don’t fully understand and to acknowledge that many people go through language barriers that are then discriminated against through many institutional system in place.

P40. “Pharmaceutical Research and Healthcare in Colombia (La investigación farmacéutica y el servicio de salud en Colombia)”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Hannah Olson

Mentored by: Dr. Fanny Roncal Ramirez

This poster will be communicated in Spanish.


Scientific research and development in pharmaceuticals are major investments and exports of the United States. Research can be transformed into opportunities in industry and business as well resulting in a net positive for the economy. This attracts many bright minds from around the world but results in brain drain of other countries. I specifically will take a look at Colombia and their government’s growing support of pharmaceutical research and development in their own country. I will also look at how this impacts the economy and healthcare of Colombia. Also, Colombia, like many Latin American countries, has a large presence of homeopathic medicine which combines in interesting ways into modern medicine and healthcare. Additionally, I will explore how an improvement in governmental support might positively affect the populations of these countries.

P41. “Hello, Neighbor”: Becoming One with First Grade Culture (Again)”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Sydney Olson

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


This research is meant to tie together the practice of ethnography and around fifteen 1st grade students who welcomed a 19-year-old college student into their classroom. The purpose of ethnography allows a curious mind to observe and identify patterns among a group or culture, interview members on their experiences within said culture, and for the researcher to integrate themselves so that they can walk as if the members’ shoes were their own. Two to three hours are being spent each week for a total of seven weeks following the first graders through their school day routines, including morning announcements, math time, music, physical education, science lab, and more spontaneous events, such as a 1st and 2nd grade spelling bee. Six interviews are in the process of being conducted among the first graders’ teacher, student teacher, principal, music teacher, counselor, and special education coordinator. I took jottings during my observation and wrote in a field journal after each session to reflect on the social interactions that were presented. Implications show that boys and girls tend to stick around companions of the same gender. Boys tend to be more rowdy, less likely to follow directions, and have been seen to act and speak out of turn more so than girls, yet girls tend to be more emotional and are willing to call out both peers and strangers when necessary. Overall, developmental milestones, patterns, and behaviors can be recognized when becoming one, once again, with first grade culture.

P42. “Systematic Training of the Voice Throughout Time”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Matthew Mortensen

Mentored by: Dr. Anthony Leathem


The study of training the vocal mechanism has evolved throughout time, moving from an oral tradition to the written, systematic practice of training the voice. In the 16th century, national schools of singing began to be established to emphasize certain styles of singing. This poster will follow the evolution of the systematic training of the voice and the changes of teaching philosophies from notable pedagogues such as Manuel García, Enrico Caruso, Richard Miller, and Kari Ragen. This research will examine the differences in the structure of their teaching, differing use of terminology, and the different emphasis each teacher has on a certain school of singing.

P43. “Promoting Sustainability and Reducing Food Waste Through Vermicompost on Campus”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Mya Hassebrock

Mentored by: Dr. Jennifer Sweatman, Dr. Jonathan Steinwand


Sustainability on campus has been a big focus for Concordia, especially since President Craft signed the climate commitment in 2017. Two focus areas related to sustainability on campus are educating students about sustainable living habits and reducing food waste. While there has been a focus on food waste reduction in the dining center, there has not been much discussion about food waste in the residential buildings on campus. This project proposes the implementation of vermicompost bins in the residential buildings on campus, starting with one as a pilot bin to observe and learn from, and installing more in the future. Vermicompost involves the breaking down of organic materials, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, into a nutrient-rich compost that provides many benefits to plants. Not only would this provide students with a hands-on opportunity to learn about a sustainable living habit, it would also reduce food waste in the residential buildings, and produce nutrient-rich compost for campus use. I have carried out a survey to gauge student interest in the idea of vermicomposting, as well as to gauge the kinds, amount, and frequency of food waste. The survey received 37 responses, 25 of which were students living on campus. Most of the responses have shown either neutrality or support for the project. This project will result in a detailed plan for future maintenance and implementation of vermicompost bins in the residential buildings on campus.

P44. “Pollution in the Aquatic Environment: Microplastics In Still Water Bodies Affected by Varying Levels of Human Development”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Narjis Albuothah, Fatima Mohammed, Favziya Rasulova, Mubina Rasulova, Stella Peterson

Mentored by: Dr. Joseph Whittaker, Dr. Jennifer Sweatman


Despite microplastics’ widespread presence, they pose a major threat to our aquatic environment due to their ecological consequences. While many studies have focused on microplastic pollution in marine waters, little is known about its occurrence and sources in freshwater systems. This research study aimed to investigate the presence and concentration of microplastics in different freshwater sources and their relationship with human occupation. Samples were collected from RO water, tap water, and several lakes and ponds in high and low-human occupation areas. Microplastic concentration was measured using a Büchner funnel filtering system, and the data collected was analyzed using ANOVA analysis of variance. Results showed that waters near high human development had a significantly higher concentration of microplastics than those in low human occupation areas. The results suggest that manufacturing processes, landfill operations, and littering are major sources of microplastics in freshwater systems. Studies such as this highlight the need for further research to assess the environmental impact of microplastic pollution in freshwater systems and the development of effective strategies to mitigate this growing problem.

P45. “Environmental and Cultural Impacts of the Loss of American Elm and Ash Trees in Moorhead, MN”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Mitchell Lejcher, Carter Slette, Landon Johnson

Mentored by: Dr. Jennifer Sweatman


Elm and Ash trees are the two most prevalent tree genera within the City of Moorhead. With the encroachment of Dutch Elm Disease and the Emerald Ash Borer these trees are lost to both these sources as well as the management practices that keep them at bay.  The loss may have impacts both environmentally and culturally. We hypothesize that their loss will ultimately negatively impact the recycling of CO2 and the protection from urban heat island effects. The cultural loss comes in the form of a drastic change in the natural landscape of the city, the two genera are staples in the city’s streets and canopies. We aim to model these potential impacts using the city’s tree survey data and raise awareness to the environmental and cultural effects using traditional print media. We expect the loss of biomass from American Elm and Ash trees to result in models that suggest increased CO2 levels in the Moorhead area that lead to increased temperatures.

P46. “A Summer as a Naturalist at Tettegouche State Park”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Kelly Harris

Mentored by: Dr. Joseph Whittaker


This project will present my experience at Tettegouche State Park working as a Naturalist in 2022. I will talk about opportunities in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and what my duties as a naturalist entailed. I will give an example stop-by-program highlighting one of the programs I made this summer. I will showcase how programming is prepared and conducted using education materials and props. I will showcase a presentation I prepared on Monarch butterfiles and their life cycle. I will showcase Tettegouche State Park and present data on how many people I reached over the summer. Naturalists play a huge role in science communication and engaging with the public and I hope to inform the campus community of this potential opportunity and career option.

P47. “Analysis of the Diet and Habitat Preference of Minnows in Long Lake, Minnesota”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Grant Anderson, Gabe Sparks, Therese Byankuba, Gavin Groshelle

Mentored by: Dr. Joseph Whittaker


Minnows are small freshwater fish (Family Cyprinidae) that live in a variety of areas including springs, lakes, ponds, and rivers. Previous research has indicated they are abundant in Long Lake, Becker County, Minnesota. Minnows live near shallower, warmer water, and are scavenger hunters. Our goal was to use minnow traps to investigate the abundance of minnows in areas of Long Lake, and to investigate the efficacy of different bait. We sampled three locations, one near a dock that was partly shaded, one near a rocky flat in full sun, and a cattail marsh. In each location we placed three minnow traps, one baited with dog food – more nutritionally balanced, a second with cat food – more protein-rich, and a control with no bait. Within a habitat type, traps were set 5m apart parallel to the shore. Traps were set up on three Mondays’ and left overnight. The following afternoon minnows were counted, measured, and recorded. Minnows were released following measurements. We caught 70 minnows at our location near the dock, five at the rocky flat, and none at the cattail site. Our only statistically significant result observed was between locations. Thus, the location did affect the number of minnows caught. Bait type did not affect the number of minnows caught. Neither bait type nor location had an effect on the length of the minnows caught. Our experiment can be valuable to future studies of fish or minnows at Long Lake, and possibly serve as a control reference to other researchers.

P48. “Ruthenium Complexes and Their Applications Towards Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Benjamin Brekke

Mentored by: Dr. Kadarkaraisamy Mariappan


The world is in an energy crisis and needs to start transitioning to renewable energies such as solar energy. A promising new type of solar energy has gained a lot of traction as of late, Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Our focus is to synthesize a ruthenium complex that contains a dipyrazolylpyridine ligand integrated with anchoring groups such as the carboxylic acid (-COOH). Ruthenium complexes are recognized as one of the best dyes that can absorb light energy efficiently when it binds on Titanium (IV) Dioxide. This combination is then used in a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. The goal of our ligands is to make the light capture ability of the DSSC more effective. By using these ruthenium complexes, it is determined these complexes will create a more favorable reaction with the Titanium (IV) Dioxide allowing quicker and more effecting doping. The novel ruthenium complex is characterized by NMR, ESI MS, and XRD studies. We are also reporting a brief photophysical studies on the new ruthenium complexes.

P49. “Behaviors of Urban and Rural Squirrels and the Impact that Dependence on Anthropogenic Resources has on Microplastics and Microbes Found within Their Guts”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Alexa Smith, Rhaegan Kiland, Amelia Landsverk

Mentored by: Dr. Jennifer Sweatman


Rapid urbanization greatly impacts animal behaviors, largely by influencing foraging, as urban settings lack many of the resources that these animals depend on. This influence forces them to turn to anthropogenic materials and encourages more bold behaviors to ensure their survival. The behaviors of urban and rural Eastern Gray (Sciurus carolinensis) and Eastern Fox Squirrels (S. niger) may impact microplastic abundance and microbes found within their gastrointestinal tracts. This study seeks to determine if the feeding behaviors of urban and rural Gray and Fox Squirrels influence the number of microplastics and microbes existing in the gastrointestinal tract. An increased abundance of microplastics may impact the microbes within the gastrointestinal tract and result in detrimental effects on digestion, metabolism, immunity, and processes related to development and behavior. To assess squirrel behaviors with relation to anthropogenic food sources in an urban environment, camera traps were set up around garbage cans at Concordia College. Microplastic abundance in gut contents and (microbiome characteristics?) were assessed by conducting gut-content analyses on salvaged urban and rural Gray and Fox Squirrel carcasses. We hypothesize that all specimens sampled will contain microplastics and that urban-dwelling squirrels will contain a greater number of microplastics than rural squirrels; with no significant differences between Gray and Fox squirrels. Due to the differences in diets between rural and urban Gray and Fox Squirrels, we suspect that there will be a difference in microbes found within the gastrointestinal tracts. We also hypothesize that the diets of rural squirrels, having a natural, plant-based diet, will have a more diverse microbiome than urban squirrels feeding on anthropogenic materials. The findings of the project will highlight the impact that certain behaviors have on gastrointestinal tracts and the overall health of Eastern Gray and Eastern Fox Squirrels.

P50. “Proximity of Dreys from Garbage Cans and Its Effects​ on Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Behaviors​”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Seema Mustafa, Al Sterling, Grace Henderson, Dhruvika Patel

Mentored by: Dr. Joeseph Whittaker


As the human population has encroached on the natural world, many native species have been forced to adapt to living in an urban environment. At Concordia College, there is a large population of eastern gray squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, living on campus in close proximity to the students and faculty. These squirrels have notably been known to frequently scavenge the dumpsters and trash bins located around campus, consuming food thrown away by students and staff. The experiment was established to investigate the relationship between the location of the gray squirrels’ dreys and the locations of human food waste. Trees, on a portion of the campus, were surveyed for squirrel nests, and the number of nests and proximity to the trash locations were recorded. To record qualitative assurance, cameras were positioned near high-traffic trash bins to record footage of squirrels. Although there was no strong correlation between the trash bins and squirrel drey proximity, the cameras confirmed that squirrels frequently take food out of the trash bins. The squirrels were observed to have chewed through the plastic food coverings and were found using the rooftops for transportation. In the future, further investigations may be implemented to examine microplastic ingestion in squirrels in urban versus rural areas; additionally, research on the usage of rooftops may also be considered.

P51. “Monitoring Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Drey Usage in Proximity to Anthropogenic Food Sources on an Urban College Campus”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Maia Lieske, Glory Godwin Lekashu, Amelia Landsverk, Amber Eken, McKenna Wangen

Mentored by: Dr. Joseph Whittaker


Squirrels (Order Rodentia, Family Sciuridae) are conspicuous members of the mammal community and have been successful in adapting to the urban landscape.  Concordia College’s campus is home to Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) who create nests, or dreys, in trees. Thesubstantial human activity, accessibility of both natural and anthropogenic food sources, and availability of natural and anthropogenic drey sites make campus an ideal location for observing effects of urbanization on nesting and foraging habits of these squirrels. The convenience of alternate, anthropogenic food sources may influence where and how squirrels decide to nest, their occupancy and co-habitation patterns, as well as the patterns and techniques in which squirrels forage throughout the day. We monitored the usage, characteristics, locations, and density of gray squirrel dreys throughout campus. Dreys on campus were found most frequently in ash (Fraxinus spp.), but also regularly in elms (Ulmus americana), and basswood (Tilia americana) trees.  Using the number of dreys on campus, we used a previously established population estimate equation to approximate the grey squirrel population on our campus at about 2.35 squirrels/ha in 2022 and can compare this to previous years. Using ArcGIS, we will spatially analyze the dreys on campus to investigate the influence of garbage can locations on the choices of squirrel drey construction. Our hypothesis is that access to anthropogenic food sources will influence the nesting habits of urban squirrels, particularly by decreasing the distance between nesting areas and these food sources and increasing the number of dreys on non-food trees.

P52. “Monitoring Urban Squirrel Activity and Foraging Habits in Proximity to Anthropogenic Food Sources in Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), American Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus)”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Maia Lieske, Glory Godwin Lekashu, Amelia Landsverk

Mentored by: Dr. Joseph Whittaker


Urban development causes habitat fragmentation which can disrupt ecosystems and organisms that inhabit them. Through interruption of species movement, fragmentation causes species to react by modifying their behavior, habits, and specialization. Concordia College’s campus is home to Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), American Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus). The large amount of human activity, accessibility of both natural and anthropogenic food sources, and availability of natural and anthropogenic nesting, or drey, sites make campus an ideal location for observing effects of urbanization on foraging habits and movement patterns of these squirrel species. The convenience of alternate, anthropogenic food sources may influence the patterns and techniques in which squirrels forage throughout the day. In order to analyze these effects, we used live-trapping and radio telemetry to track squirrels across campus and documented their locations and behavior. We will examine telemetry data from 2022 and location data going back to 2014 in comparison to the locations of different anthropogenic food sources and drey locations across campus. We also set up camera traps to document the frequency with which squirrels forage in garbage cans when campus is in and not in session. Our hypothesis is that access to anthropogenic food sources will influence the foraging habits of urban squirrels, particularly by increasing the interactions with these food sources, influencing their movement patterns and nest use.

P53. “Knock Out of a Zebrafish Protein Coding Gene using CRISPR”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Laura Kotz

Mentored by: Dr. Carol Pratt


CRISPR is a new and revolutionary genetic technology that allows humans to edit a genome creating a single knockout mutation inactivating a gene or can be used to knockout and insert new genetic sequences. My goal in this study was to apply CRISPR in practical means by attempting to knock-out gene BX539307.1 on chromosome 22 of a Zebrafish genome. This gene codes for an insulin-like binding domain also called IGFBP. After the gene of interest was selected, a cut site was selected and primers along with a specific complementary oligo segments were designed using bioinformatics. The gene of interest was amplified using PCR and oligo segments were annealed to create a single guide RNA specific to the gene. A positive single banded gel showed that the gene had successfully been isolated from the full genome. Nanodrop readings also confirmed that the single guide RNA had been transcribed correctly. Despite early successes, when the CRISPR assay was run all results were negative for Cas9 knock-out activity. Although this trial was unsuccessful, this research allows us to find flaws in current CRISPR protocols and attempt to adjust them for the future to make CRISPR technologies more accessible to emerging biologists.

P54. “Chemotherapy-Induced Cellular Senescence is Associated with Hallmarks of Cachexia”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Gabriel Hanson

Mentored by: Dr. Davis Englund


Cachexia is a debilitating wasting syndrome characterized by the loss of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. In the context of cancer, cachexia is associated with fatigue, functional decline, poor quality of life, and mortality. Cancer cachexia is widely viewed as a consequence of metabolic imbalances, anorexia, and chemotherapy, but the underlying biological mechanisms remain unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of chemotherapy alone on body composition and physical function, and the induction of cellular senescence, a biological process implicated in tissue deterioration and dysfunction. To this end, healthy mice were administered a chemotherapy regimen used for the treatment of colorectal cancer, comprised of 5-FU, leucovorin, irinotecan, referred to as FOLFIRI. We show FOLFIRI inhibits age-appropriate accumulation of fat mass and drives reductions in body weight, lean mass, muscle weight, and physical function compared to a vehicle intervention. Interestingly, FOLFIRI increased the expression of several well-established markers of cellular senescence in liver, fat, and diaphragm. Furthermore, our data suggest FOLFIRI increases the circulating concentrations of several proteins secreted by senescent cells as components of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). These findings identify cellular senescence as a potential contributor to chemotherapy-induced cachexia and provide a foundation for future studies to assess the effects of interventions to eliminate senescent cells or suppress the SASP on preserving muscle mass and physical function.

P55. “Synthesis of Ruthenium-Based Compounds with Potential Chemotherapeutic Properties”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Briana Doyle, Karen Valencia Rivera

Mentored by: Dr. Chopper Krogstad


Metal-based compounds have long been prevalent as part of chemotherapeutic treatments against a variety of cancers. Cisplatin—a well-known anti-cancer drug in use since the 1970s, although highly effective at treating malignancies, often coincides with an extensive list of unpleasant side-effects. The side-effects caused by cisplatin stem from its aggressive but non-selective mode of action. Despite several decades of research, a similarly cytotoxic yet highly specified anti-cancer drug has yet to be developed. Research conducted in 2002 reported the development of a ruthenium-based compound known as RAPTA. RAPTA and a multitude of RAPTA-like derivatives have since showed great promise given their differing modes of action and have ignited the path for understanding the cytotoxicity and anti-metastatic qualities of ruthenium-based compounds. This study sought to develop bis-RAPTA derivatives with potential to treat malignant growths via highly specified modes of action. Successful synthesis of multiple precursor compounds was achieved via two methods. These new compounds were then used to synthesize bis-RAPTA and oxalated bis-RAPTA derivatives. Compound purity was respectable given minimal purification efforts were performed. Findings from this research lay groundwork for potential success in the mass production of a variety of ruthenium-based binuclear structures.

P56. “Polar Bears in Texas: An Assessment of Underrepresented Critically Endangered Mammals in AZA-Accredited Zoos”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Emerson Ericksen, Kayla Adamek, Emily Anderson, Greta Duren

Mentored by: Dr. Jennifer Sweatman


Zoos have become important conservation partners and strive to provide quality care to the animals that they house. Maintaining proper temperature conditions is critical to quality care and increases animal well-being and reproduction, which can help with conservation efforts. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) maintains the highest quality care standards and participation within their network indicates a strong commitment towards conservation and animal care. However, the general public is often not aware of the behind-the-scenes work that these institutions do due to misconceptions stemming from zoos’ past unethical practices. This assessment focuses on AZA facilities within the United States and their temperature suitability for underrepresented critically endangered mammals. Secondly, the assessment aims to promote zoo conservation programs and practices that benefit underrepresented species. To determine where species would be best suited, ArcGIS Pro was used to overlay IUCN range data, temperature data, and AZA facility locations. Canva was used to create educational materials from the literature reviewed. Maps will be created depicting locations and their suitable species and educational pamphlets and posters will be distributed within the community to increase public awareness.

P57. “Maintaining Exotic Animals on a College Campus”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Peter Weinzierl

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


I’m taking English 267 this spring where I am writing an ethnography about the Exotic Animal Care and Husbandry club on the Concordia campus, because I have such a deep passion for wildlife and preserving it and I believe that is the mission of the EACH club and the people involved with it. Ethnography is the art of studying people and how they go about accomplishing tasks in their line of work or microculture they are in. The ethnographic approach to this assignment includes a methodology involving over 2 hours a week of both detailed observations as well as 6 interviews conducted with members of the EACH club. This is allowing me to better acquaint myself with the members of this group as well as the animals they work with so that I might better understand the things that this club does for the campus and what they do for the bigger picture of wildlife conservation in the world. I’m looking to present my research as a part of an ongoing process to share what I’ve learned and why it’s important to the students of Concordia.

P58. “Understanding Chitosan-Alginate Bioplastics Interactions with Food Dyes”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Theodore Eggen

Mentored by: Dr. Graeme Wyllie


Chitosan and alginate are both naturally occurring polysaccharides which have been used as components in a series of bioplastics which form the basis of a Course Based  Undergraduate Research Experience at Concordia College. These Chitosan-alginate bioplastics can be prepared with the addition of commercial food dyes which have been found to release upon subsequent immersion in aqueous solvents. This work investigates specific aspects of the behavior of these chitosan-alginate bioplastics looking at bioplastic film preparation and formal release and uptake experiments. The extent of incorporation of a range of food dyes into the bioplastic which was previously unknown was determined. A new food dye, Green 3, which is structurally very similar to Blue 1, was investigated with the prediction of properties similar to Blue 1. The addition of multiple food dyes in the same bioplastic was also investigated to determine if the presence of two different dyes would affect the relative release of each other. Finally, the importance of solution mixing was identified as a significant variable in release experiments which will be critical for all future work relating to these bioplastics and their release and uptake of various food dyes.

P59. “Magnetic Characterization of Fe2O3 Polymorphs”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Noah Halmar

Mentored by: Dr. Thelma Berquó


In the conversion process of iron minerals in nature, it is observed that there are several routes in the iron oxide system. The ferric oxide ε-Fe2O3 which is a polymorph of other well-known phases, such as α-Fe2O3 (hematite) and γ-Fe2O3 (maghemite), is suggested to be formed as an intermediate phase during the conversion of maghemite to hematite at high temperatures. The ε-Fe2O3 has a characteristic high coercivity that is also found in some archeological materials. Laboratory-prepared samples were thermally treated in air atmosphere, in the temperature range of 600oC – 1200oC, inducing the formation of the Fe2O3 polymorphs. The Mossbauer spectra at 300 K show the presence of hematite, ε-Fe2O3 and a paramagnetic Fe3+ doublet as the main phases. High-temperature magnetization curves have a main drop of temperature near 500 K and a second one near 800 K, supporting the presence of ε-Fe2O3 and hematite, respectively. In addition, the samples show hysteresis loops with coercive force in the range of 0.5 – 1.2 T at 300 K. The presence of maghemite was not confirmed yet, but it is being investigated on samples annealed between 600oC and 900oC.

P60. “Development of a Mössbauer Fitting Software Using Python”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Elijah Heyer, Antonio Lyons

Mentored by: Dr. Luiz Manzoni


Mössbauer spectroscopy, an important technique to identify iron phases, is used in the physics department at Concordia College both in research and advanced teaching laboratories. However, our software to analyze Mössbauer spectra is outdated and there are no commercially available alternatives. Thus, our group developed a python software to plot and fit data from a Mössbauer spectrum using Lorentzian functions. The code can be used to fit simple spectra with only one component (doublet or sextet) and, from the fitted spectrum, we obtain the magnetic hyperfine field and isomer shift of the sample. Future developments will extend the code to spectra with multiple components as well as to obtain the quadrupole splitting of the samples.

P61. “Clean Water, Better Health – How Fargo City Water Treatment Plant”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Gabriella Castro

Mentored by: Dr. Alexander Aldrich


Thesis: The general public has a misconception that the purpose of water treatment plants is to purify water from contaminants caused by humans, and even so is not suitable for drinking. When in actuality, tap water in the F-M area is perfectly good for drinking and the contaminants that are detrimental to human health come from natural bacteria, natural chemicals, animals and run off from farms in the area. Approach/Methods: Research about what water treatment plants do, including their methods of filtration and standards for clean water, with a focus on the Fargo Water Treatment Plant. An interview was conducted with an employee of the Fargo Water treatment Plant. Results/Conclusions/Implications: Water treatment facilities have to filter out of our water are caused by natural environmental factors. Farms have also been making a great effort for over a decade to only use the amount of pesticide necessary to protect their crops, no excess, to decrease the concentration of pesticides in runoff that would end up in lakes and rivers. Significance: There is misleading information available that discusses the negative effects of human pollutants on water quality, though these pollutants are not good for aquatic ecosystems, they do not impact public health in terms of the water cleanliness in our homes.

P62. “Exploring Solutions to Eco-Anxiety at Concordia College”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Lauren Taylor, Delaney Claggett, Paul Sternhagen, Lydia Durrett

Mentored by: Dr. Jonathan Steinwand


The problem that our research would aim to address is the growing concern of eco-anxiety on Concordia’s campus. Eco-anxiety is a term that describes the anxiety that people feel due to the worsening climate and is often experienced by students who are constantly studying the dying climate. While researching the span of eco-anxiety on campus, we would also like to search for possible solutions to this problem and the possibility of extending these solutions to Concordia’s campus. Our hypothesis is that there is a large population of students on campus that experience some form of eco-anxiety and would benefit from eco-anxiety focused care or resources on campus. To complete this research, we will conduct a survey across campus to gauge the student’s experiences with climate related anxiety and to judge their knowledge on the subject of eco-anxiety. We will also research potential solutions and sources of comfort as well as look at other colleges with eco-anxiety care being implemented on their campuses. Through doing this research we would hope to allow students to feel more aware of their eco-anxiety and feel comfortable talking about these feelings that are often ignored. We would also like to provide possible solutions that could be implemented at the College level such as eco-anxiety centered counseling or other resources to be provided to students facing this issue.

P63. “Climate changes impact on local Vermont ski areas”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Henry Sipples

Mentored by: Dr. Jonathan Steinwand


Skiing is synonymous with Vermont and a large part of the state’s culture. The ski industry is a great way to get Vermonters to notice and discuss climate change leading to greener polices in the state. Vermont has a small number of nonprofit ski hills which are both beneficial to skiing as an activity and the climate. On the other side of the spectrum, large destination ski resorts are harmful to the environment which in turn contributes to the cycle causing rising temperatures. Research on using sources on large scale ski resorts climate impact showing how small scale ski resorts are increasingly necessary for locals who are priced out of larger resorts. Original interviews were conducted with presidents of small scale, nonprofit, local Vermont ski resorts to assess the impact of climate change on these small ski resorts. A juxtaposition is present in that small ski areas are increasingly necessary for both their lower cost and impact on the environment compared to cooperate owned large scale resorts. But are brought to the brink of closure due to the fact that decrease in snow fall causes many resorts unable to be open more than a few select days a year without the use of snowmaking which is either too expensive or too difficult to maintain for nonprofit volunteer run areas. Concluding that action must be taken to protect these areas that increasingly necessary and at risk.

P64. “The Domination of Female-Portraying Baristas Versus Male-Portraying Baristas in the Coffee-Providing Industry”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Natalie Wolf Kuchinski

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


In the emergence of individuals identifying as non-binary, gender fluid, or separate identities that differ from biological male and female, the service industry has been greatly impacted. Through the observation of individuals working as baristas in Starbucks and local coffee shops in the Fargo/Moorhead region, the domination of female-portraying baristas as compared to male-portraying baristas is presented. If the service industry has been dictated by the maternal characteristics that female-portraying individuals display, then, the oppression of male-portraying individuals within the industry, particularly in the coffee-providing service, will be subdued. In an unknown publication distributed by Starbucks, the titled “Starbucks U.S. Workforce Demographics” states that throughout Starbucks locations in the United States, 69.2 percent of baristas are female, and 30.8 percent of baristas are male (Starbucks U.S. Workforce Demographics). The date that these statistics were collected is unknown, but the presence of female-portraying individuals in coffee shops is evident to customers throughout the region. Four Starbucks locations and three coffee shops in the Fargo/Moorhead region were selected. Observing on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, the locations alternate from Tuesday, March 6, 2023 to Thursday, April 27, 2023. The anticipated results from this ethnographic observation include, but do not limit to, the domination of female-portraying baristas in the coffee-providing industry as opposed to male-portraying individuals, the presence of non-binary, gender fluid, or separate non-biological male or female individuals within the industry, and the association between maternal features that a female-portraying individual may display to the comforting aspect of coffee shops.

P65. “Los Efectos del Cambio Climático en la Comunidad Shawi en la Selva Amazónica.”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Saela Fredricks

Mentored by: Dr. Fanny Roncal Ramirez


I will be researching the effects climate change has had, and will have, on the indigenous Shawi group that live in the Peruvian portion of the Amazon rainforest. I hope to show how the changing climate can negatively impact this indigenous population. In recent years, the Amazon rainforest has greatly suffered from the anthropological effects of climate change and global warming. I will be researching multiple ways which the Shawi are impacted, including deforestation, lack of water, the contamination of local soils and lands, and a significant decrease in available food sources. Health and wellbeing of indigenous groups is also directly correlated to climate change. Since the livelihood of this indigenous community rests on nature and climate, the current climate crisis has drastically exacerbated the negative situation currently occurring. As the West generally drives climate change, indigenous communities, such as the Shawi people of Peru, tend to feel the most negative effects, and usually are the most vulnerable. This research project will highlight those vulnerabilities, by studying multiple effects on the Shawi people, and the Peruvian Amazon rainforest as a whole. Interviews of Shawi people will also be implored to explore the first-person perspective of this continuing climate issue.

P66. “Compassionate Care at the Red River Women’s Clinic”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Jessica Miller

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


This semester I am doing an ethnography, which attempts to understand another group’s culture, of the Red River Women’s Clinic. Working with the Red River Women’s Clinic is a timely ethnography because of recent judicial decisions over the summer of 2022. My own interest in reproductive freedom, along with my Women’s and Gender Studies minor, creates a passionate approach to this project. My methods include spending roughly two hours a week at the clinic observing, interviewing, and participating. My notes are kept in a field journal where I write my observations from each visit and weekly, reflective commentaries. Because of the discovery-based nature of the research, I will have conclusions by COSS, but initial analysis leads to a focus on the compassionate care that is provided to patients at the Red River Women’s Clinic. Implications of these findings include how this standard of care compares to other medical appointments and the ways that the medical field is not always guaranteed to provide compassionate, passionate, non-judgmental care like they do at the Red River Women’s Clinic.

P67. “Papua New Guinea: Cream of the Crop or Betting the Farm?”

Time: 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. | Session: Poster 2 | Location: Centrum

Student Author(s): Jack Lanners

Mentored by: Dr. Nicholas Ellig


This case study investigates loss of arable land and lack of capital movement as two development issues that are complicating efforts to further development in Papua New Guinea. Furthering development is a requirement for Papua New Guinea in order to gain wealth, diversify markets, and become a stronger player in the global market. Qualitative and quantitative information is used to describe and explain the loss of arable land and lack of capital movement as development issues in Papua New Guinea. Hypotheses describing how loss of arable land and lack of capital movement are inversely related to furthering development in Papua New Guinea are tested using time-series indicator data. Evidence from the analysis and hypothesis tests support the conclusion that loss of arable land and lack of capital movement represent development issues in Papua New Guinea. The project offers a proposed action step for addressing one of these issues—loss of arable land—as well as summarizing the results of the study as a whole.