Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota |

COSS 2023 – Concurrent Session 3

C25. “Chitosan-Alginate Bioplastics: A Potential Drug Delivery System? (Investigating Pharmaceutical Release and Uptake)”

Time: 1:45 – 2:05 p.m. | Location: Olin 124 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Dustin Traffie

Mentored by: Dr. Graeme Wyllie


Chitosan-Alginate bioplastics are an example of a biodegradable plastic-like material formed from naturally occurring resources. These bioplastics, which are used in the General Chemistry II teaching lab at Concordia, are formed from chitosan (a derivative of chitin, a material found in lobster, shrimp and insect shells) and alginate (extracted from seaweed). Their potential as a pharmaceutical delivery system was investigated as the bioplastics showcase an ability to release materials, such as food dyes, added into them during formation, when subsequently placed in water or salt solutions. This past summer, I systematically experimented with the release of various antibacterial pharmaceuticals from chitosan-alginate bioplastics. The reverse reaction, uptake, that is materials being removed from the solution was also studied. The pharmaceuticals were either added to the bioplastics during formation so their release could be monitored over time, while other bioplastic samples (not containing pharmaceuticals) were placed in solutions of the pharmaceuticals to investigate whether they would remove these materials from their surrounding environment. Release and uptake studies utilized High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for measurement and were carried out in a range of solutions: RO, salt water, and simulated stomach acid. The results of the studies will be discussed.

C26. “The Influence of Creative Therapy in Healthcare”

Time: 2:05 – 2:25 p.m. | Location: Olin 124 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Ellia Dalzell

Mentored by: Dr. Shelly Gompf


Studies show creative therapy, such as painting, dancing, or writing, significantly improves physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Creative therapy in a clinical setting adds to the movement of implementing individualized, comprehensive care plans. When approaching creative therapy through a public health lens, it can also be noted creativity bridges cultural gaps, adapts to all populations, and promotes social equity and justice. The potential of healing through art is not being maximized in healthcare. There is a gap in education on the importance and benefits of creative therapy, as well as a gap in providers who can promote and implement creative practice as a form of preventative care. I began my research on this argument through secondary sources. I found fundamental information on the benefits of creative therapy for individuals in their day to day lives and through their healthcare journeys. I created a comprehensive list of creative contacts in the region and began an interview process. The interview list included art nonprofit directors, an art therapist, healthcare foundation leaders, individual artists, a deacon, healthcare providers, and healthcare system leaders. I am working in collaboration with several creative events happening on Concordia’s campus to study the effect of creative therapy on students. Additionally, I am meeting with a health-related organization in Fargo/Moorhead to learn about the implementation of creative practice with patients and their families. I anticipate insightful feedback from both opportunities and will formulate my research into a shared guide to help impact the practice of creative therapy in healthcare.

C27. “Redefining Success: How Generation Z is Challenging Traditional Standards Amidst Criticism”

Time: 1:45 – 2:05 p.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Alexandra Klein

Mentored by: Dr. Kirsten Theye


In Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure”, Haidt brings up the argument that well-intentioned but misguided ideas have led to a culture of safetyism and intolerance on college campuses and in broader society. Haidt also claims that overprotective parenting, social media, and the decline of free speech have made Generation Z become overly sensitive and intolerant of opposing viewpoints. Generation Z is often described as being bad at taking in criticism, feeling entitled, being too soft, or can’t handle daily face-to-face interactions. By analyzing the thoughts of Jonathan Haidt, we are able to find stereotypes that aren’t necessarily true as well as the discrepancies in his work. Through the lens of rhetorical criticism, we can help Generation Z overcome obstacles and build a better future for themselves and society as a whole.

C28. “Promoting Leadership and Positive Change:  An Organizational Development Project for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Courses”

Time: 2:05 – 2:25 p.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D | Session Type: Nano

Student Author(s): Elshaddai Phiri

Mentored by: Dr. Anna Semanko


Within organizational settings, promoting positive leadership and change (a process known as organizational development) is critical. Organizational development can encourage a safe, productive, and inclusive organizational climate by reducing instances of unfair employment practices, counterproductive work behaviors, employee stress, and inadequate or unmeaningful work tasks (Bulger et al., 2020; Levy, 2013). Given that many undergraduate students are currently in or will soon enter the workforce (Semanko & Hinsz, 2022), an exercise was developed to convey important organizational development concepts to students enrolled in an Industrial-Organizational psychology course. The Organizational Development Project utilizes collaborative learning to explore a four-stage model of organizational development (i.e., assessment and diagnosis, development, implementation, evaluation and feedback; Bulger et al., 2020). In small groups, students worked together to create organizational improvement plans for hypothetical organizations. These improvement plans targeted several categories: 1) fair employment practices, 2) diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace, 3) employee safety and health, and 4) a topic of their choice. To explore the themes associated with completion of the Organizational Development Project, qualitative data analysis was conducted. Themes associated with the improvement plan categories will be presented, along with evidence-based information about the impact of collaborative learning. Discussion included with this Nano presentation.

C29. “Microlitter in water and sediment of North Dakota prairie potholes”

Time: 1:45 – 2:25 p.m. | Location: Morrie Jones A/B | Session Type: Panel

Student Author(s): Luke Young, Sophie Schaumann

Mentored by: Dr. Jennifer Sweatman


Microlitter, low-density particles which include microplastics, are widely distributed across the environment as a result of the breakdown of larger debris, through wastewater effluent, or through atmospheric deposition. These microscopic particles can accumulate in areas where waterflow is low or static causing negative impacts to the local environment and wildlife. Prairie potholes are small, ephemeral wetlands that provide critical habitat for many species including waterfowl. Potholes are relatively static, generally only receiving water from overland inflow. As a result, they can act as a sink for microlitter. In our study, we assessed the water and soils of prairie potholes in three Wildlife Management Areas in Ramsey Co., ND. We collected three water and soil samples from three different potholes within each WMA (Ntot=27 for both water and soil samples). Water samples were filtered through a vacuum filtration apparatus. Soil samples were processed using a two-step density separation, digestion of organic material, and filtration following the same methods as the water samples. We ran blanks alongside our water/soil samples to correct our microlitter abundances for atmospheric contamination. These blanks were also treated as our control. All water and soil samples within the nine potholes sampled contained microlitter. Average microlitter abundances ranged from 0-5.93 particles per pothole. While we found higher abundances of microlitter in the sampled WMA’s, they were not significantly different from each other or our blanks (x ̅= 0.22). Understanding the distribution of microlitter in the environment will broaden our understanding of the potential impacts on the flora and fauna of the Prairie Pothole region. Future studies will include larger sample sizes and polymer analyses to understand the distribution of microlitter across the region, the abundance of microplastics within the microlitter, and the types of plastics from which the microplastics are derived.

C30. “A Glimpse Into The Queer Intersectionality Of Concordia”

Time: 1:45 – 2:05 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 301 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Elicia Powell

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


I am writing an ethnographic essay about the LGBTQIA+ community on Concordia’s campus and the intersectionality of it all; race, gender, sexuality, etc. With current legislation being passed, even though MN has and continues to show support for the community it is still a scary time and  I think it’s important now more than ever to show this perspective to serve as a reminder that queer lives matter. A brief description of ethnography is that it’s the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures. I am following a friend group of queer individuals of different sexualities, genders, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. I am studying their own personal stories, dynamics amongst each other, values, and lives on campus. I sit in on and observe spaces that are considered queer friendly on Concordia’s campus. For example there was a study room that was dedicated to inclusivity and had the LGBTQ+ flag and a bunch of books and movies created by queer people or  about the queer  community. I’m planning on  observing SAGA meetings. The SAGA club closed during Covid times, but has recently opened back up. I have met with and interviewed Pride Network members to gain a better understanding of the environment Concordia wants to create for its queer students.  I am interviewing a numerous number of members of the LGBTIA+ community of a variety of backgrounds. My study is not meant to represent the entirety of Concordia’s LGBTQIA+ community’s experiences, but to show a glimpse into that experience.

C31. “A Quantitative and Qualitative Pilot Study on Overall Knowledge and Perceptions of the Title IX Act and Office at Concordia College.”

Time: 2:05 – 2:25 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 301 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Jake Thompson, Morgan LaRocque, Claire Bruland

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


Researchers have perceived an overall negative attitude held by peers towards the Title IX office on Concordia’s campus, fostering an interest in collecting broader opinions and perceptions of the office. The current study proposes a survey with open and closed ended questions that will be disseminated via email invitation via professors and students at Concordia College. Researchers hope to involve at least 100 students. Researchers hypothesize that there is insufficient general knowledge of the Title IX office’s purpose and scope, which has had unintended consequences of reduced usage and misuse of available resources. The goal of the study at hand is to present the information gleaned from the survey to the Title IX office to propose possible changes or improvements suggested from the results of the survey. There is an additional goal of circulating this information among participants at COSS as to aid in dispelling unintended consequences and to serve to educate about the resources and procedures in place, should these issues arise in data collected.

C32. “Evaluating Employee Resource Groups: Four Pillars”

Time: 1:45pm – 2:25pm | Location: Integrated Science Center 260 | Session Type: Panel

Student Author(s): Madelynn Schumacher

Mentored by: Dr. Kirsten Theye


There are many names for them: employee resource groups (ERGs), business resource networks, and affinity groups. These organizations are used to create safe spaces for collaboration based on an identity affiliation. ERGs have become commonplace in diversity and inclusion initiatives. Academic literature about ERGs is lacking empirical merit and justifies an examination. Much of the literature that exists is not rigorously academic and lacks empirical merit. This paper examines a variety of communication theories combined with an examination of major companies ERG web pages to identify characteristics that have the potential to positively affect experiences related to ERGSs. This paper hypothesizes ERGs have the potential be helpful and inclusive when they are clear, visible, validating, and compensating. This study clearly defines these characteristics in connection with ERGs, and presents examples of their presence in major corporations ERG web pages. These are meant to serve as a potential starting point for an academic study.

C33. “Weighted Biquandle Polynomial Invariant”

Time: 1:45 – 2:05 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 201 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): David Miller

Mentored by: Dr. Sarah Seger


Knot theory is the mathematical study of knots and a sub-field of topology. Virtual knot theory is an extension of knot theory which broadens how many objects we can study. To put it in perspective, there is only one 4-crossing classical knot but over 500 virtual knots with 4 crossings! However, with this broadened view of knot theory, it is more needed to distinguish between two knots. How we distinguish knots is through what we call invariants. Invariants are characteristics of knots that do not change if we mess the knot up. There is no perfect invariant, so we have invented a new way! Our research stems from biquandles, which uses algebraic operations on knots, and crossing weights which are derived from Gauss diagrams. From that, we were able to create a polynomial invariant. If a polynomial is zero, then we are unable to distinguish it from the unknot. Our polynomial is not the first, but it is one that gives us nonzero polynomials when other polynomial invariants give us zero like the Generalized Alexander Polynomial and the Z-Parity Polynomial. That means our operation gives us information about the knot that other invariants could not!

C34. “A look into Math REUs: Generating b-Prime FAL”

Time: 2:05 – 2:25 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 201 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Leah Mork

Mentored by: Dr. Rolland Trapp


This talk will be the description of a mathematics research project in a summer Research Experience for Undergrads. It will cover both the research process and the mathematical results that were produced. In a effort to enumerate fully augmented links that are not belted-sum decomposable (b-prime), this work will present an operation, called complete augmentation, on prime links that will produce all b-prime fully augmented links (FAL). A lemma proven by Jorge Calvo in 1985 will be vital in order to prove all completely augmented prime links will result in a b-prime FAL.