Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota |

COSS 2022: Concurrent Session 3

C19. “Optical Characterization of a Pyridine and Perfluoropyridine Product Using Column Chromatography, Fluorescence, and Absorption”

13:45 – 14:05 (1:45 – 2:05 pm) | ISC 201

Student Author(s): Colin Schuller, Matthew Locklear, Alexander Hetland

Mentor(s): Dr. Darin Ulness, Dr. Mark Gealy


We have employed several experimental techniques to study an unknown solid substance formed in the mixture of 1mol:1mol pyridine and perfluoropyridine. First, optical characteristics of the substance in various solvents including methanol, acetone, water, and piperidine were measured and studied. Second, we obtained spectra of the reactants versus the stoichiometric ratio of their mixture with respect to time. The third method used was column chromatography. Two different length columns were used with research-grade silica sand, which were packed with HPLC grade methanol. Optical data of the samples from the column were collected to isolate individual compounds from the unknown substance in the spectra.


C20. “Analysis of a Known Protein with Unknown Function: 4Q7Q”

14:05 – 14:25 (2:05 – 2:25 pm) | ISC 201

Student Author(s): Hunter Colby, Ethan Johnson

Mentor(s): Dr. Julie Mach


Enzymes are biological catalytic proteins, and without them, life as we know it would not be possible. Bioinformatics is an in silico field of study that can be utilized to analyze the structure and function of an unknown enzyme. 4Q7Q is one such enzyme; found in Chitinophaga pinensis, 4Q7Q has a reported structural weight of 60.48 kDa with 266 residues. We seek to discover the function of 4Q7Q through the usage of bioinformatic tools such as ProMOL, BLAST, Pfam, Autodock Vina, and DALI, as well as through wet lab experimentation. In our paper, we underwent five stages of bioinformatics to hypothesize that 4Q7Q is a lipase from the Lipase_GDSL_2 family within the SGNH hydrolase superfamily. Through ongoing wet lab experimentation we have collected and purified 4Q7Q, and will continue to express and expose 4Q7Q to various substrates in order to confirm our hypothesis. Our presentation will feature our bioinformatics results as well as our discoveries about 4Q7Q’s structure and function in relation to other hydrolytic and lipolytic proteins.


C21. “Assessing Magnitude of Dissonance Related to Not Exhibiting Appreciation in Romantic Relationships”

13:45 – 14:05 (1:45 – 2:05 pm) | ISC 260

Student Author(s): Carmen Krueger, Micah Christiansen

Mentor(s): Dr. Anna Semanko


Exhibiting appreciation is an important component of healthy romantic relationships. When we neglect to exhibit appreciation, whether it is by forgetting an anniversary or not appreciating romantic gestures, we may end up feeling guilty or uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling can be considered cognitive dissonance. According to Festinger’s (1957) theory, cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort that arises from encountering two or more conflicting beliefs or behaviors (i.e., knowing we should exhibit appreciation but neglecting to do so). When we experience cognitive dissonance, we are motivated to decrease or eliminate the discomfort by striving for consistent cognitions. In this research, we aim to assess the magnitude of dissonance that results from participants (N=134) writing about times in which they did not exhibit appreciation to their dating partners when it would have been appropriate to do so. This method of assessing the magnitude of dissonance is not well-examined and is novel within this context. In our qualitative analysis examining magnitude of dissonance, we coded for the number of consonant and dissonant cognitions, as well as justifications that the participants provided for their actions. We further noted the overarching themes of the responses, along with the love languages associated with the type of appreciation mentioned (words of affirmation, physical touch, receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service; Chapman, 2009). We hypothesize that the participants with more dissonant cognitions and fewer consonant cognitions will have higher magnitudes of dissonance. We anticipate our results will support this hypothesis. The results associated with this study will be presented.


C22. “The Varieties and Complexities of Ceceo, Seseo, and Distinction in Southern Spain”

14:05 – 14:25 (2:05 – 2:25 pm) | ISC 260

Student Author(s): Amanda Edwards

Mentor(s): Dr. Alexander Aldrich


Spoken language is a diverse, complex, and always changing phenomenon. Even within one isolated language, the dialects, diction, and personal styles vary considerably. The relationship between the ceceo and seseo (in which the Spanish word “casa” may be pronounced “casa” and “catha” respectively) and distinción (in which the speaker would pronounce “casa” and “caza” differently), creates significant linguistic and sociolinguistic discourse and can provide insight into the complexities of Spanish language and culture. Language is politically and culturally important in Spain and plays a role in identity and nationality. Through a literature review of primary sources, I gathered information and investigated the ways in which the speech difference between seseo, ceceo, and distinción is impacted by etymology, gender, class, education, and generation in southern Spain. Results indicate that the differences and the uses of ceceo and distinción (both exclusive to Spain) as well as seseo in this region are complex and demonstrate the ways in which seemingly small linguistic differences can provide rich insight into the sentiments of culture and individuals within that culture. This research further supports that it is important to pay attention not only to what is said, but also how it is said.


C23. “The Prevalence of Microplastics in North Dakota Waterfowl”

13:45 – 14:05 (1:45 – 2:05 pm) | ISC 301

Student Author(s): Duong Nguyen, Luke Young

Mentor(s): Dr. Jennifer Sweatman


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes microplastics (less than 5mm in size) to be a growing threat to many organisms in ecosystems due to its high toxicity risk and the current lack of regulation. Therefore, studies focusing on the prevalence of microplastics have become more relevant and prevalent, and this study is one of only a few to investigate the presence of microplastic debris in waterfowl populations. Waterfowl gastrointestinal samples (N=102) were donated by a hunting guide operating out of Devil’s Lake, ND, from the Fall 2020 season. To understand microplastic abundance and distribution within the gastrointestinal tract of waterfowl, we separated samples by organ (proventriculus, gizzard, and intestine) and analyzed the gut contents under a microscope. Identified microplastics were enumerated and characterized by color, type, and length. We identified a total of 460 microplastics, 69.57% (320 particles) and 30.43% (140 particles) of which were found in dabblers and ground foragers, respectively. Waterfowl species varied; however, dabblers were dominated (77.5% of samples) by Mallards, and ground foragers were dominated (22.5% of samples) by Canada Geese. Microplastic abundance was significantly higher in ground foragers than in dabblers. Furthermore, within the ground foragers, microplastics were found to be more abundant in the proventriculus than the gizzard, with no significant difference between other organs. Within the subgroup of dabblers, the abundance of microplastics was significantly higher in the intestine than the proventriculus and gizzard. Findings of this study can be used not only to guide future research focused on the impacts of microplastics on waterfowl but also to establish foundation for conservation and policy making regarding microplastics.


C24. “Micro to Macro: Sediment and Environmental Injustices along the Mississippi River”

14:05 – 14:25 (2:05 – 2:25 pm) | ISC 301

Student Author(s): Megan Parkinson

Mentor(s): Dr. Tess Varner


During my semester away in the fall of 2021, I participated in the River Semester program through Augsburg University. While I, along with a group of other students and friends, meandered through the great Mississippi river, I took geological samples of the sediment in order to evaluate how the river has evolved over time, the quality of the river itself, and the relation to the major cities along the river. By utilizing the geological data information collected, I looked into some of the environmental injustices, such as pollution related illness, gentrification, and spread of urbanization, located along the river and see if there is a correlation between them, and how they may evolve in the coming years due to climate change, human impact, and varying views of the purpose of the river itself. I took samples of the sediment along the river’s banks in different locations as we progressed through the flow of the river. By taking these samples, I evaluated different aspects of the sediment itself as I work in congruence with Dr. Catherine Russell and her team of researchers on the geology found in the samples. Along with these sediment samples, I also did an evaluation of the amount of human impacted objects that are found in the river such as plastics, glass, and trash items. The field research data that I collected works in congruence with the research I did of the environmental injustices that are present in the major cities along the Mississippi river in order to illustrate how environmental injustices exist on the micro and macro level.


C25. “The Tragedies and Triumphs of Rural Immigration: A Study of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota”

13:45 – 14:05 (1:45 – 2:05 pm) | Jones A

Student Author(s): Anna Kronbeck

Mentor(s): Dr. Lisa Twomey


The immigration experience to the United States is often tainted by the media and politics, a narrow lens of focus, and even the romanticizing of the “American Dream”. The fullness of that dream lies in a multitude of factors that differ from one environment to the next, including industry, housing, social integration, cultural contact, and a sense of belonging, all of which can be explored in the history, tragedies, and triumphs of the rural immigrant experience. Rurality often presents struggles that are underrepresented in the rhetoric surrounding immigration, and in some cases further marginalizes individuals who have already faced significant adversity. In this study of Pelican Rapids, an immigration hotspot in rural Minnesota, immigrants’ triumphs and tragedies melded together to form a bigger picture and demonstrate what leads to failure or success in an instance of extreme cultural diversity. Through a literature review of rural immigration throughout the country and a greater focus through many personal interviews with Pelican Rapids residents, this study paints a picture of one city’s experience with the journey of becoming a diverse home for immigrants from across the globe. Factors such as housing shortages, a lack of resources, and negative rhetoric inhibit the complete integration of immigrants to rural American towns like Pelican Rapids. However, many successes arose from this research, showing that small towns offer what metropolitan areas often cannot, such as a greater sense of belonging and small business opportunities. This paper will discuss these factors with specific examples from Pelican Rapids.


C26. “Emotional Health and Intelligence for Academic, Personal, and Professional Development”

14:05 – 14:25 (2:05 – 2:25 pm) | Jones A

Student Author(s): Uyanga Naranbaatar

Mentor(s): Dr. Angel Carrete Rodriguez, Dr. Jorge Eduardo Scarpin


Many around the world are suffering from mental health issues. One of the assumptions is that it is due to lack of open and authentic emotional discussions. Another, more important, contributing factor is lack of proper education for the youth on how to deal with both pleasant and unpleasant emotions in a healthy manner. Since the issue is highly embedded within today’s social culture, many don’t see the impacts and implications as seriously as they ought to. The project objective is to introduce the idea of Emotional Health and Intelligence (EHI) to college students in the Fargo-Moorhead community, and help them get started on their emotional journey. As there are various ways to improve Emotional Intelligence (EI) and methods work differently for each individual, I chose to focus on mindfulness. I hypothesize that the progress towards becoming more mindful helps college students succeed in their academics, personal, and professional development. With a better mood and clear mind, the students would be more focused and be more intentional about the decisions they make. For the project, I am organizing three series of EI workshops on Healthy Mind, Clear Mind, and Critical Mind. The qualitative and quantitative metrics from the workshop interest and feedback surveys will be analyzed. There were 185 students that participated in the workshop interest survey. About 58% of them are interested in learning more about EI, and about 72% showed interest in learning how to care for self and others, which is the basis of mindfulness. The comments from the first workshop feedback survey demonstrates the strong need for more open discussions and educational resources on EHI.


C27. “Robots, Aliens, and Freud: Forbidden Planet and Shakespearean Adaptation”

13:45 – 14:05 (1:45 – 2:05 pm) | Jones B

Student Author(s): Miah Sandvik

Mentor(s): Dr. Jonathan Steinwand


“Shakespeare in space” might sound like a stunt pulled by a bored billionaire, but it’s actually an apt description of Forbidden Planet (1956), a classic science-fiction film based loosely on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. As such, Forbidden Planet maintains the basic character archetypes and plot structure of The Tempest, including a magus figure and his virginal daughter. However, the mechanisms by which the plot is advanced—including robots, alien technology, and Freudian psychoanalysis—differ drastically from Shakespeare’s text. This paper analyzes Forbidden Planet in the context of Shakespeare scholarship (including writings by Harold Bloom and Marjorie Garber) and the 1950s zeitgeist in order to contrast the themes present in both the original work and its adaptation. In part, this analysis concludes that Forbidden Planet’s mimicry of, and deviation from, the source material mirrors the two main purposes of its use: to ground the audience in something familiar as the film pushes the boundaries of its genre and to readdress Shakespearean themes for a 1950s worldview. Overall, Forbidden Planet reflects themes and tensions unique to the era in which the movie was created, demonstrating both the versatility of Shakespeare’s work and the creative potential of adaptation. This study reinforces the importance of reinterpreting literature, and seeks to undermine the idea that an adaptation must reach the same conclusions as the original work. Instead, the reuse of Shakespearean plots and devices can allow for expansion on his themes, or be used to express ideas beyond the Bard’s imagination.


C28. “Underrepresented Composers”

14:05 – 14:25 (2:05 – 2:25 pm) | Jones B

Student Author(s): Lavonte Smith

Mentor(s): Dr. Jeff Meyer


The topic I would like to discuss is representation in the western musical canon. The problem that I would like to address in this topic is that there are composers that are in a category called underrepresented composers. Those are the composers that are not well represented in the western musical canon due to their race, gender, and sexuality. My argument is that these composers should be well represented in the western music community and should be programmed more often in our professional orchestras, college/military concert bands, and chamber music groups regardless of their race, gender, and sexuality. The reason is that those composers’ music is just as good or even better than the standard repertoire in the western musical canon. Not only are they historically excluded due to their race, gender, and sexuality but they wrote high-quality and diverse music. They also have made a lot of accomplishments in their lifetime including Pulitzer prizes, awards, grammies, etc. The most emphasis I want to make is that western musical canon should these composers in the repertoire because their music is high quality and great not just that their African American, Latin American, female, homosexual, etc. My brief research method is looking for information to answer the question of the extent of their cultural background, western music/art music, and historical events that have influenced and/or affected their music. My anticipated result is to expose listeners to a diversity of composers that are diverse of race, gender, and sexuality.


C29. “Modeling Housing Prices in the Fargo-Moorhead Area”

13:45 – 14:05 (1:45 – 2:05 pm) | Olin 124

Student Author(s): Jake Peters, Alexander Voigt

Mentor(s): Dr. Gregory Tanner


It is vital to homebuyers, sellers, and realtors alike to be able to accurately appraise the value of a home. There are many applications and websites that model the sales price of houses across the entire United States; however, due to the broad scope of these models, they may not be able to fully capture the intricacies of local markets. This presentation examines real estate submarkets within the Fargo-Moorhead area using hierarchical linear modeling and hedonic valuation. Using a dataset of houses sold on the market in the Fargo-Moorhead area within the last twenty years, the data was analyzed with R and RStudio to generate hierarchical models that predicted the sold price of houses using a test set. These findings were then deployed on a website using a feature of RStudio called RShiny. On the website at link, users can filter through a small dataset of houses that were on the market in late summer 2020. On the next tab on the page, users can select what features they want for the house, then click a button to display what our model’s prediction of the house would be.


C30. “Virtual Knots and Zero Crossing Weights”

14:05 – 14:25 (2:05 – 2:25 pm) | Olin 124

Student Author(s): Nathan Kawlewski, Abigail Voronyak

Mentor(s): Dr. Sarah Seger


Knot theory is a subfield of low-dimensional topology that studies knots and links using combinatorial, geometric, and algebraic techniques. Virtual knot theory is a generalization of the classical theory that rapidly expands the number of objects of study. For example, there is only one unique classical knot with 4 crossings, but there are over 500 unique virtual knots with 4 crossings! We can represent virtual knot diagrams by Gauss codes, from which we can extract the “weight” of each crossing. It is well known that for classical knots, every crossing has weight zero, but there also exist nonclassical knots with this property. Our research involved sifting through large datasets of knots and looking at those knots that had zero crossing weights. We were able to find several local diagrammatic moves and prove that they preserve crossing weights. All virtual knots with six or fewer crossings and all zero crossing weights are related to a classical knot by these moves that we found!