Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota |

COSS 2023 – Concurrent Session 2

C13. “Analysis of the Sublimation Product from Reacting Pyridine and Perfluoropyridine”

Time: 11:25 – 11:45 a.m. | Location: Olin 124 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Hunter Colby

Mentored by: Dr. Darin Ulness


Perfluorinated compounds are a recent area of study for industrial purposes, often in the form of perfluoroalkanes. Perfluoropyridine possesses a region of low electron density called a π-hole created by the electron-withdrawing nature of its Fluorine atoms. Through reacting perfluoropyridine with weaker bases, characterization of its interactions is possible. Subjecting perfluoropyridine to pyridine yields a mixture of products that has proven challenging to separate, yet through sublimating the product mixture it is possible to isolate numerous compounds. Separation of perfluoropyridine products was achieved using sublimation and column chromatography. Spectroscopic analyses of these compounds proved that there are discernible products within the mixture, including one identified 4-amino-2,3,5,6-tetrafluoropyridine.

C14. “Investigating the Functionality of Protein 4Q7Q”

Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. | Location: Olin 124 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Hannah Olson, Jorgen Deitz, Reese Anderson

Mentored by: Dr. Julie Mach


There are over 3,500 proteins in the Protein Data Bank with known structure, but little is known about the function of these proteins. We investigated one of these proteins, 4Q7Q, to determine its functionality using the parameters and guidelines of the Biochemistry Authentic Scientific Inquiry Lab (BASIL) community Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE). We paired in silico bioinformatics techniques with in vitro methods to get results useful for the functional analysis of protein 4Q7Q. The in silico techniques used were SPRITE (a protein structural motif database searching program), BLAST, Pfam (servers that identify global sequence homologs), and Dali (a server that identifies global structural homologs). The in vitro experiments performed were expression of the protein using competent BL 21 E. coli cells, purification of the protein using Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC), protein concentration determination using the bradford assay technique, and assessing protein purity using SDS-PAGE. Based on preliminary data, 4Q7Q appears to be a Lipase, meaning it breaks down lipids, from the bacterial species Chitinophaga pinensis and is classified under the protein superfamily SGNH/GDSL of hydrolases. Future testing will be done to confirm that 4Q7Q functions as a hydrolase using a substrate specific enzyme activity assay, and an enzyme kinetics assay to determine the rate of the hydrolase reaction that 4Q7Q catalyzes.

C15. “Looking Back to Look at the Future of Scotland: Grappling with History”

Time: 11:25 – 11:33 a.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D | Session Type: Nano

Student Author(s): Laura Jensen, Eden Smith, Sydney Ingham, Rachel Hauschildt

Mentored by: Dr. Stephanie Ahlfeldt, Dr. Cindy Larson-Casselton


America has a long, storied history filled with inspiring figures and unforgettable victories. However, these have not come without substantial drawbacks. Today, Americans struggle to answer the question, “how can one honor history while acknowledging the horrors of the past and making progress as a country?” America is far from the first to have these issues. Scotland, as we know it today, is centuries old, and there are many different ways it has tried to deal with its own troubled past, both through the government and through personal action. I intend to discuss the actions that I witnessed as part of my week-long trip to the country. Conclusions will be presented in order to provide Americans with an example of ways, both good and bad, to have pride in one’s country while honoring the victims of the past.

C16. “Looking Back to Look at the Future of Scotland; Governmental Systems”

Time: 11:33 – 11:41 a.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D | Session Type: Nano

Student Author(s): Sydney Ingham, Rachel Hauschildt, Eden Smith, Laura Jensen

Mentored by: Dr. Stephanie Ahlfeldt, Dr. Cindy Larson-Casselton


The significance of this research is to compare Scotland’s parliamentary system to the United States, allowing for a contrast to be made between each system. This project will encompass important parts of each country’s governmental system such as different political affiliations, branches of legislature, and draw upon key similarities and differences within each category. This research addresses the problem of awareness and the conscious understanding of how one’s government operates. It allows one to get a glimpse into how integral government processes are to running the world that we live in. It is proper to know how one’s own government works, but especially to notice how it compares to another. Governmental systems are essential for understanding the society in which one lives, and should be understood to know the impact that one can have upon such governmental systems. The research for this project has been conducted by visiting the country of Scotland itself, and visiting its Parliament Building. There, research was conducted through interacting with informational exhibits. Further research will be conducted through analyzing knowledge gained in Scotland to information provided about the United States government. Finally, for the result, it is anticipated that individuals will learn how Scotland’s governmental system operates in contrast to the United States.

C17. “Looking Back to Look at the Future with Scotland: Managing the Mental Health of Students”

Time: 11:41 – 11:49 a.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D | Session Type: Nano

Student Author(s): Eden Smith, Laura Jensen, Rachel Hauschildt, Sydney Ingham

Mentored by: Dr. Stephanie Ahlfeldt, Dr. Cindy Larson-Casselton


I will be taking a look at mental health issues, specifically burn out, faced by students at Concordia and in Scotland. Scottish universities tend to be more open to changes within their systems in order to ease the burdens of their students, while Concordia is more hesitant to create change at such a large scale. By speaking to faculty and students at both the University of Edinburgh and Concordia, I gathered information about what factors play into each school’s motivations for improving the experiences of their students, attitudes toward increasing access to mental health resources on campus, and what barriers each still face. It was found that Scottish universities are more open to change due to a ranking system amongst UK universities that impacts the funding each school gets. Concordia, who does not place as large of an importance on rankings, does not have as much of an incentive to create large scale change that improves the mental health of students. Through comparing these two systems, I hope to point out the shortcomings of Concordia in managing the mental health of students.

C18. “Looking Back to Look at the Future of Scotland; An indepth look at Accessibility in Scotland”

Time: 11:49 – 11:57 a.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D | Session Type: Nano

Student Author(s): Rachel Hauschildt, Sydney Ingham, Eden Smith, Laura Jensen

Mentored by: Dr. Stephanie Ahlfeldt, Dr. Cindy Larson-Casselton


In the United States, there has been a heavy emphasis on creating accessible environments. Although some could make the argument that they have a long ways to go before ensuring accessibility for all, they have made great strides in progress on the basic level. Through a series of 10 different blog posts, different aspects of Scotland’s bigger cities’s accessibility will be noted, accessed, and evaluated. These topics will include handicap accessibility, food sensitivities, language, managing university, mental health resources, and navigating Scottish cities. With these topics, the idea of accessibility can be accessed through a variety of different levels to show that there is more to accessibility than the idealized visible disabilities. What I found is that Scotland’s bigger cities have made progress in terms of creating more accessible environments, but the United States has set a standard that Scotland is behind on. When it comes to the cobblestone roads and the centuries-old buildings, it can be difficult to see if improvements can be possible for visible disabilities as well as those not visible.

Nano Session Q&A

Time: 11:57 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. | Location: Morrie Jones C/D

C19. “Into the World of Musical Storytelling”

Time: 11:25 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. | Location: Morrie Jones A/B | Session Type: Panel

Student Author(s): Erik Ault

Mentored by: Christian Boy


From the Jazz Age, through the Golden Age, and into our modern Contemporary Age—music has established itself as a medium to share a story. This research project dives into the connection the compositional technique, musical relationship, and evolution that musical theatre has innovated from in-person performances to film—specifically animation. In this research, through the analysis and dissection of major composers of their field, my objective is to share how their creative process can be applied, and how it shares both relevance and systemic similarities. With many culturally significant work, the two main composers of this analysis, application, and presentation are Alan Menken of Disney Animation Studios™ and Stephen Sondheim—a major composer of the Golden Age of Broadway. The ending mission of this project is to shed light on the evolution of musical storytelling in a changing world, and how it can be applied to composition today.

C20. “The Inspiration of CP Culture as a Celebrity Endorsement to Marketers”

Time: 11:25 – 11:45 a.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 301 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Yuehan Zhao

Mentored by: Dr. Jiani Jiang


Couple (“CP”) culture is becoming increasingly prevalent in China. The word “couple” came from the Japanese ACGN (Anime, Comics, Games, and Novels) fandom and was first used to describe two people in a romantic relationship (Bell, 2016). With various films and television widely disseminated, marketers began to bundle two stars together to propagandize a particular movie or TV series. The first-time use of CP culture as a marketing tool was by the early Korean agents – by placing two stars in the same dormitory to cultivate a relationship to increase the discussions of a TV show. In recent years, CP culture has become highly influential in the Chinese market. In addition to raising the exposure of film and TV productions, it has attracted major brands to collaborate with popular film and TV drama CP.  This study will demonstrate that CP culture can positively influence marketers’ promotional and sales efforts by applying different theories. The possibility of CP culture as a unique type of celebrity endorsement to influence purchase intention has yet to be discussed in previous studies. This paper will fill the gap in this area. Also, this research will include the literature review and implications from the managerial and theoretical sides that help Chinese marketers. Proposition 1: Consumers’ romantic beliefs influenced by CP culture can decrease relationship satisfaction. Proposition 2: Consumers’ relationship dissatisfaction can increase romantic media consumption with CP culture. Proposition 3: Consumers can increase purchase intention by building connections with CP culture in romantic media consumption.

C21. “Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia in Eighth and Ninth Generation Gaming”

Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 301 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Belem Ortega, Abigail Peterson

Mentored by: Dr. Indira Neill Hoch


Given the popularity of video games as a form of media, it is important to examine how they contribute to society in a multitude of ways. Nostalgia in gaming is especially relevant, as there has been a rise in various remakes, remasters, and retro-style games. Gaming evokes two types of nostalgia in players––restorative nostalgia and reflective nostalgia (Boym, 2001). Restorative nostalgia engages the actual act of restoring a home we long for. Reflective nostalgia focuses on feelings of longing or loss for a home we long for. Using these definitions of restorative and reflective nostalgia, we answer three research questions:

  1. How do eighth and ninth generation digital gaming titles produce restorative nostalgia in players? 2. How do eighth and ninth generation digital gaming titles produce reflective nostalgia in players? 3. How do eighth and ninth generation digital gaming titles that are part of an ongoing series produce nostalgia of either restorative or reflective type in players? To answer these questions, we played two video games that felt particularly nostalgic to us: Dishonored and Five Nights at Freddy’s 2. We played through Dishonored to completion, and FNaF 2 to as far as we could manage given the time constraints of our project. Taking field notes as we played each game, we identified aspects of the game that triggered either feelings of restorative nostalgia or reflective nostalgia for us. These play-throughs determined that restorative and reflective nostalgia exist in both games, from nostalgia for the COVID-19 pandemic in Dishonored and nostalgia for childhood experiences (specifically, the presence of animatronics) in FNaF 2.

C22. “EACH’s Crab Race: The Development of Hermit Crab Care Guidelines and Habitat Construction”

Time: 11:25 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 260 | Session Type: Panel

Student Author(s): Emerson Ericksen

Mentored by: Dr. Krys Strand


Hermit crabs are one of the most abused pets in the exotic pet trade industry. With rampant misinformation being spread, often by large pet retail companies that seek to profit from the animals they mismarket, this project seeks to combat this issue. Research of proper care standards was conducted by compiling a multitude of credible sources, including utilizing scientific research articles and information gathered from reputable owners that have published their findings on the internet. Results of the project work include a detailed care guide that has been disseminated to the public through EACH’s website and informational posters displayed publically at their habitat, ethical housing or the “crabitat” being created for EACH’s hermit crabs, and the implementation of policies within EACH to only take in hermit crabs from a rescue or second-hand situations to help combat the rampant commercial exploitation of the species. Audience members will be invited to interact with some of the ISC animals after the presentation.

C23. “War Thunder: An Ethnographic Study”

Time: 11:25 – 11:45 a.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 201 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): William Thurmer

Mentored by: Dr. Karla Knutson


War Thunder is a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game that has had recent news coverage as a national security threat as some players have leaked classified military documents worldwide in hopes of making the vehicles in game more realistic. My ethnography hopes to find the makeup of the online community and understand what internal cultural pushes lead players to put themselves at risk by breaking laws, as well as the more seemingly mundane aspects of the culture, including what makes the game tick and the social codes players use to communicate with one another, and whether we should be concerned of War Thunder as a security threat. My hypothesis is that the community is far more diverse than what would be expected from the traditional “old boys club” that is military history and simulation and that the culture may be more representative of a global setting than other social media platforms that silently force people of the same ethnic and cultural background together. And ethnography on War Thunder may open a gateway to wider social studies of online spaces. My method is two and a half years of prior experience, extensive participant observation, and interviews with players. My anticipated results will be a billet of data to work into pre-existing social theory as well as finding if War Thunder poses a national security threat.

C24. “The State of Pollution in the State of 10,000 Lakes”

Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. | Location: Integrated Science Center 201 | Session Type: Classic

Student Author(s): Sara Kampsen

Mentored by: Dr. Alexander Aldrich


In the state of 10,000 lakes, there is a huge problem of lake pollution. My project focuses on the contamination of lakes and the measures to prevent it in the Detroit Lakes Area. Detroit Lakes is a popular destination for lake life in the summer. This popularity can be seen through the major pollution seen in these lakes. I researched the amount of microplastics, sodium chloride, and nitrogen in the Detroit Lakes waters. The purpose of this project is to educate others on the importance of keeping our lakes clean. I collected soil samples in multiple lakes and counted the amount of microplastics found. The results concluded the most popular areas contain the most microplastics. I also conducted an interview with David Duffey, a hydrologist from the Pollution Control Agency in Detroit Lakes. Here I learned about other pollutants such as salt and nitrogen. Humans are the direct cause of contamination in lakes. The clothes we wear and the items we use cause mass amounts of microplastics. The street salts and the farm fertilizer cause chemical imbalances in lakes which kill fish. All these pollutants have negative effects on the ecosystem of the lakes which later on also affect humans; therefore, we must do something to stop it. It is crucial for the students of Concordia to be educated about the pollution of lakes, so they can help protect our world.