P33. “Effects of Road Salt on Soil Mineral Composition”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Maia Lieske, Cole Nowacki, Megan Blatti
Mentor(s): Dr. Joe Whittaker
Individuals in Minnesota are forced to face harsh winter conditions, specifically icy roads. In order to combat these conditions, communities use various chemical combinations, i.e. road salt, to improve driving conditions. However, road salt has shown to deplete soil mineral composition, and therefore compromise plant and ecosystem health. Over a 4-week period, the effects of road salt were tested on soil mineral composition. Soil samples from the Concordia College campus were placed into five containers and treated with increasing concentrations of road salt and 100 mL of RO water. After letting the soil samples sit for one week, each sample was tested for pH, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) levels. Soil samples were then treated with the salt mixture once again. After 4 weeks of treatment and testing, statistical analyses displayed that N, K, and pH levels had decreased significantly. Although a change was observed throughout testing in P levels, there was no statistically significant difference. A positive relationship was revealed between soil acidification (decreased pH) and decreased nutrient availability (NPK). The alternative hypothesis was supported as NPK levels decreased and soil acidification increased through road salt introduction. These changes could negatively affect organisms living in areas with road salt use, and it is necessary to find ecologically friendly alternatives. Further research is needed in order to find out whether or not alternatives to road salt are necessary and effective.
P34. “Grass Species Density in Managed and Unmanaged Natural Areas”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Isaac McCoy, Connor Sturges, Lucas Hinojos
Mentor(s): Dr. Michael Bush
Restoring diverse grasslands in the upper Midwest is critical to preserving and improving the health of native ecosystems. A major threat to the diversity of grasslands is non-native grasses, which can establish themselves as a monoculture, impairing wildlife. We hypothesized that the abundance of non-native grasses would differ between managed and unmanaged natural areas. Abundance of native vs. non-native grass species was studied at four locations. Two locations were actively managed to promote growth of native grasses and two locations were unmanaged natural regrowth areas. There was a significant difference of abundance of grass species between the managed and unmanaged sites. The results showed that in areas of high non-native grass abundance, native grass abundance is affected negatively (p-value < 0.05). Also, in areas that were treated to promote native grass growth, densities of non-native grasses were lower (p-value < 0.05). These results suggest that competition for space and resources from non-native grasses affects the abundance of native grasses. This is important because abundance of native grasses increases the health of our native prairies and their ecosystems. Purposeful management of prairies gives native grasses an advantage over non-natives grasses in areas where non-natives would otherwise outcompete natives.
P35. “Assessing Vertebrate Diversity in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Carrie Voss, Rhaegan Kiland, Alexa Smith, Elizabeth Forsmark, Emily Anderson, Nolan Christenson, Amber Eken, Landen Foster, Danielle Ginther, John Harvey, Laura Kotz, Amelia Landsverk, Kelly Lorenz
Mentor(s): Dr. Michael Bush, Dr. Joe Whittaker
Assessment of biodiversity is critical for effective, financially-sound conservation strategies. However, many organisms cannot be detected without the use of methods that minimize the presence of humans. During the 2022 Spring Break, the students of Conservation Biology placed 13 motion-detecting game cameras across a 20-acre area of Terlingua, Texas, in the Chihuahuan Desert, allowing us to determine vertebrate density in the region. To supplement these surveys, 42 Sherman small-mammal traps were deployed in two transects across three separate habitats: in a dry creek bed, along a sand-bottomed plateau, and along a gravel-bottomed plateau. Game cameras detected the presence of approximately four mammal species, including desert cottontails (Sylvilagus audubonii) and an undetermined species of kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spp.). Neither of these species was visually detected outside of traps, nor were identifiable tracks ever found. Game cameras also detected the presence of seven bird species, including Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata) and Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus), two birds that were never detected through sight or sound. Small mammal trapping resulted in captures of two species of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami and D. ordii), several different pocket mice (Chaetodipus spp. and Perognathus spp.), and deer mice (Peromyscus spp.). Over just the course of five sampling nights (210 trap nights), we were able to detect the presence of five to eight small mammal species that would have otherwise gone undetected in the area, highlighting the importance of remote-based methods for wildlife surveys.
P36. “Roosting Patterns in Concordia’s Wild Turkey Population”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Faith Weibye, Alexis Sampson, Grace Shelton
Mentor(s): Michael Aho
As wild turkeys age, they become more attuned to locating a roost that requires minimal roaming each day to meet their needs. Previous researchers have found that turkeys roost communally and typically up in trees for their safety (Gross et al., 2015). It has also been found that turkeys are very routine in their daily tasks. After observing Concordia’s prevalent and beloved wild turkey population, we wanted to learn more about them. During our observations we found a roosting nest for one family of turkeys and wondered what time they would leave and come back to their nest. Our experiment was to track the roosting patterns of these wild turkeys and we asked if weather affected their behavior for it. During the experiment, we used trail cameras to record the times of when they left and came back to their nest and went back up into the tree. As we collected the data, we also crossed it with sunset time and marked down the weather of that day. We were unable to collect sufficient data for when they left their roost, so we couldn’t use it in the analysis. The results showed a strong positive correlation between when turkeys would go up into the trees and when the sun set. This correlation was strengthened by when the days it rained was taken out of the equation. Our experiment shows that turkeys may be influenced by the times that the sun sets. This influence is weakened when the weather is not as nice. Whether this means that the rain confuses the turkeys or makes them want to take shelter up into the tree earlier, it is very interesting and more experimentation on it would be needed to answer this question.
P37. “Microplastic Prevalence in the Buffalo and Red Rivers of Clay County, MN”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Sophie Schaumann, Alison Freier, Alissa Edjacin
Mentor(s): Dr. Joe Whittaker
Plastic debris accumulates in freshwaters quickly and has become a very prominent issue for ecosystems. However, one of the most troublesome forms of water pollution is harder to see, microplastics (less than 5mm in size). The widespread occurrence of microplastics has invaded the environment to an extent that is present throughout the globe. This research investigated the abundance of microplastics in two freshwater rivers in Clay County, Minnesota. 375 mL water samples (N=18) were collected from a rural community (Glyndon, MN) along the Buffalo River and an urban community (Moorhead, MN) along the Red River. Samples were taken at three separate locations on each river in relation to the closest human population (up-stream, mid-stream, and down-stream). The samples were filtered using a Büchner funnel filtering system and examined under a dissecting microscope to visually identify microplastics. A total of 128 microplastic fibers were identified in the 18 freshwater samples. Findings revealed that the abundance of microplastics was significantly higher at the Buffalo River (83 fibers) than the Red River (45 fibers). These findings suggest that rural communities have a higher abundance of microplastic than urban communities. Furthermore, microplastic abundance was found to be significantly higher at down-stream locations (54 fibers) versus mid-stream (40 fibers) or up-stream (34 fibers). This suggests that as water flows through a rural or urban community, more microplastics are accumulated. The information found in this study could be used to guide further research and conservation efforts regarding microplastic accumulation in freshwater sources.
P38. “Importance of Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Along the Red River”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Kyle Little, Angeline Bahe, Riley Wenisch
Mentor(s): Dr. Jennifer Sweatman
The Red River of the North is a large river located in the center of the North American continent. The Red River and its surrounding basin supports many rural and urban communities in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Manitoba via its commercial and recreational fishing opportunities. The Channel Catfish is one of the most prevalent game fish found in the Red River that contributes greatly to the angling economy and community. Due to the importance of this species, catfish will be the species of primary discussion. Fishing charters, boat rentals, gear sales, and other economic opportunity costs from the Red River were compiled to determine the economic benefits of the river. The influence of climate on the commercial and recreational use of the river was also compiled due to its importance in establishing the timing of the fishing season and the annual harvest numbers for each species. Changes to the natural hydrology of the Red River will inevitably alter the dynamics of the fish populations in the river. Importance of the Red River’s fishery resources for other nearby communities such as Tribal Nations was also included in the compilation of commercial and recreational fishing impacts. Information relating to fishery resources for the Red River has never been compiled. With a compilation of resources found in this analysis, fishery management for commercial and recreational use will be easily accessible to both the public and public/private organizations.
P39. “Forming Moorhead Climate Resilience Commission”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Duong Nguyen, Anna Larson, Claire Mohr, Karis Peterson
Mentor(s): Dr. Jennifer Sweatman
The latest IPCC report indicates that the warming of 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) within the next two decades will yield to variability of disastrous events, therefore, immediate actions now are required to prevent further warming and additional damage. Hence, the city of Moorhead agreed on declaring its Climate Emergency Resolution and established the Moorhead Comprehensive Plan in January of 2022. To follow that, we aimed to assist in the formation and blueprint of the Moorhead Climate Resilience Commission. To further understand the process of commission selection, who will spearhead this project in the future, we contacted the League of Minnesota Cities and multiple established commissions across the state of Minnesota. Hence, these will consolidate the basic directions for choosing the most appropriate individuals for this commission. Then, we will develop a list of action items for them with details for next steps, including creating policies to achieve net-zero carbon, accessible public transportation, or public education projects. This project will establish the foundation for the commission, as well as future projects, to mitigate future effects of climate change in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
P40. “Culturing Neural Cells from Zebrafish Brain and Spinal Cord”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Yvette Umutoniwase, Zimy Le, Kate Loidolt, Brook Tilahun, Kenneth David, Zachary Strickland
Mentor(s): Harshana De Silva Feelixge, Dr. Krys Strand
Zebrafish are one of the most useful animal models used in neuroscience. Being able to obtain primary neurons from adult zebrafish brain and spinal cord tissue and observe neurite outgrowth and maturation is a key learning goal for the Neurobiology 400 course at Concordia. Additionally, studying neurons growing under different conditions has important applications for neuroscience research. Adapting sterile techniques for the classroom laboratory, we developed an efficient system for dissecting adult zebrafish brain and spinal cord and culturing zebrafish neurons without using serum. We dissociated cells from adult zebrafish brain tissue with collagenase enzyme, and from adult zebrafish spinal cord with trypsin enzyme. We incubated monolayers of cells in 24-well tissue culture plates made adherent with poly-D-lysine. We observed neurite outgrowth and early neural network formation within the first ten days of incubation, and neurons survived for at least 30 days. We are currently applying this technique in the Neurobiology 400 course this semester.
P41. “The Determination of Enzymatic Function in an Unknown Protein Using Bioinformatics and Wet Lab Experimental Techniques”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Bretton Badenoch, Ali Younis, Charles Garrity
Mentor(s): Dr. Julie Mach
Of the 180,000 proteins whose structures are listed in Protein Data Bank, over 60,000 of them are listed as having “Unknown Function”. The Protein Structure Initiative had the goal of determining the structure of many of these proteins. The goal of our research is to determine the function of one of these unknown function proteins (PDB: 3FEQ) through the use of bioinformatic techniques as well as wet lab chemical assays. The utilization of bioinformatic programs such as ProMOL, BLAST, Pfam, Dali, and AutoDock is critical in determining protein function. These programs have aided in the analysis of 3FEQ’s amino acid and genetic sequence by comparing it to other proteins of known function. The initial bioinformatic results indicate that 3FEQ is an amidohydrolase. 3FEQ has been cloned into chemically competent BL21 E. coli, expressed, and purified for future testing. The hypothetical amido-hydrolytic function of 3FEQ will be evaluated using appropriate enzyme assays.
P42. “Investigation of Iron Oxides Transformations in Different Environmental Conditions”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Mikala Hammer
Mentor(s): Dr. Thelma Berquó
Iron oxides, which we also include here hydroxides and oxide-hydroxides, are a class of materials that can be found on Earth’s surface. They are present in rocks, soils, sediments, and living organisms. They are compounds of iron, oxygen (oxides), and hydrogen (hydroxides and oxide-hydroxide), which can also undergo iron replacement with cations such as aluminum, among others. In this research, we are investigating the conversion processes of five different iron oxides. During the summer of 2021, we started a long-term research project using Concordia’s outdoor garden and high tunnel (hybrid greenhouse). We used Mössbauer Spectroscopy to collect data from five iron oxide phases and the soil from our two different environments. After getting our baseline readings, we mixed the iron oxides with the soil in garden beds. Every year samples will be collected from the beds of the two gardens to investigate the magnetic properties and track their conversion process. The environmental conditions of the two gardens are starkly different from each other. In terms of temperature, the soil in the high tunnel never gets below freezing, whereas the soil in the outdoor garden can reach temperatures of -40°F. Additionally, the high tunnel is covered, so the moisture content is regulated. The soil has variables such as microorganisms, fertilizer, roots, and water in both situations. In the end, the goal is to compare how the two different environments (outdoor garden and high tunnel) affect the transformations of the iron oxides.
P43. “Health Without Wealth: The Primary Healthcare System in Costa Rica”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Kaija Johnson
Mentor(s): Karin Hillstrom
Costa Rica provides healthcare through a universal public healthcare system with private healthcare options. They have a higher life expectancy and spend less on healthcare per percentage of income compared to countries with similar healthcare systems (Clark). Costa Rica’s implementation of primary healthcare units and targeted community health goals has led their population to experience a greater standard of health. Primary healthcare teams known as Equipos Básicos de Atención Integral de Salud (EBAIS) provide care in regions empaneled into 4,500 people. Each region has its own EBAIS team and technical assistant (ATAP). The ATAP makes at least one annual home visit to every patient in their region, and they provide basic healthcare, physical examinations, and educational resources. The ATAP records patients’ social determinants of health to aid in medical treatments and the identification of community health priorities (Pesec et al.). Community health priorities enable the effective use of funds and distribution of resources. 80% of all healthcare is provided by EBAIS teams, so public hospitals have a better patient-to-staff ratio and can focus on specialized care. For individuals who are uninsured, medical volunteers (Lloyd-Sherlock et al.) and the resourceful redistribution of the public healthcare system’s excess medications and supplies (Arroyo) ensures all people living in Costa Rica can access healthcare. While improvements can still be made in long-term care services (Morales-Martínez) and providing for the uninsured (Voorend et al.), Costa Rica stands as a paragon of affordable, quality healthcare.
P44. “Health Insurance: What Is It?”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Mary Remer
Mentor(s): Dr. Julie Rutherford
When the phrase “medical field” is used, it is typically with positive connotations. Although there are many positive characteristics within the medical field, flaws do exist within the system. These flaws can be obvious or concealed, and for this reason, those in the general public may have difficulties understanding some of the specific issues surrounding healthcare. One major aspect of healthcare that many do not understand is health insurance. Health insurance is an important aspect of medicine that greatly impacts the quality of health care, which can be seen through insurance coverage of insulin. There are many different types of insulin medications that are routinely used, however, the coverage of these drugs is not consistent. This inconsistent coverage creates issues when it does not cover a drug that provides the best results. This puts the patient’s health at risk if they cannot get the prescription that would actually help them. To gain a better understanding of health insurance, and specifically the insurance coverage of insulin, various physicians around the Fargo/Moorhead area were interviewed. One potential solution I would like to propose as part of this PEAK project to address this issue is for health insurances to standardize the medications they cover, and be consistent, regardless of which insurance company it is. If all health insurances covered the same insulin medications, patients would have access to the best medications that would work most effectively for them. This would improve the health of the patient and the quality of life they lead.
P45. “Use of Velocity Based Training Among Off-Season Division-III Football Players”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Shane Bernhardson
Mentor(s): Dr. Nathan Dicks
Velocity-based training (VBT) is the utilization of technology to provide an objective measure to track bar speed and power output in assigning appropriate loads during resistance training. The purpose of this study is to use bar velocity and monitor power output for an exploratory 4-weeks off-season program for Division-III Football Players to ensure that proper external load is being used to get the specific adaptation for speed/power and hypertrophy. Participants (n=20) will complete four weeks of a training cycle in either speed/power (n = 8) or hypertrophy (n= 12). Within those groups, half of the participants will use a VBT (VmaxPro, Magdeburg, Germany) while the other half will use traditional 1- repetition maximum (1-RM) for training. Pre and Post-training assessments will include the collection of anthropometric data (height, weight, and %body fat) using a digital body fat analyzer (Tanita, Arlington Heights, IL, USA) and a stadiometer (Seca, Chino, CA, USA). Participants will be testing on their vertical jump (Jumpmat, Huntsville, AL, USA), 1RM power clean, 1RM squat, and 1RM bench press. We are going to compare the pre and post-data between the groups. Knowing there will not be enough power to support an ANOVA and statistical significance, we will focus on the use of the technology to measure power output and velocity progressions throughout the training cycling. VBTs can effectively be used in athletic strength and conditioning for multiple training goals to help prescribe, assess, and analyze to optimize training.
P46. “Religion, Race, and Social Justice: Exploring Conversion Therapy”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Andie Kassenborg, Emmaline Savidge, James McCord
Mentor(s): Dr. Michelle Lelwica
In our project, we’ve worked to understand why people cling to the idea of conversion therapy and why these individuals feel the need to “fix” members of the LGBT community. Conversion therapy is an unethical practice often rooted in anti-LGBTQ evangelical Christian rhetoric that causes long-term psychological damage to patients while also being largely ineffective; as a result, it should no longer be practiced. We created a collaborative art project that combines each of our mediums of choice: garment fabrication, drawing, and music composition. The fabricated garment is a denim jacket inspired by those of 1980’s punks, covered in a variety of patches, quotes, and other unique methods of alteration. The drawing captures the internal battle LGBTQ+ people must fight against their families, the church, etc. in order to stay true to who they are. The musical composition uses electronic instrumentation, and strives to encompass the emotional turmoil that can be caused by the attempt to force a person away from their own identity. It also reflects on the restrictions to a person’s happiness that can come from trying to coerce an individual into conformity with one specific group’s views. Each of these pieces are designed to be viewed together and encapsulate the suffering and psychological damage that conversion therapy inflicts on patients. By properly capturing these emotions we will lead our audience to the conclusion that conversion therapy should not be practiced.
P47. “Forced Sterilization of Minority Women in Latin America”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Mustafa Ahmad, Amelia Bjorklund
Mentor(s): Karin Hillstrom
The effects and aftereffects of forced sterilization of minority women across Latin America. This occurred during the later part of the 20th century up until 2010 women of childbearing age were forced/coerced into sterilization. Forced sterilization means to have no prior knowledge about the procedure taking place until after it has already occured. Coerced sterilization means to have been convinced into getting the procedure with misinformation, intimidation, or other threats used to make the women agree. Women would be led to believe they were infertile because a doctor had deemed them unworthy of bearing more children. They alleged it was to combat poverty by stopping those in the poorest regions from having more children or stop those deemed”unfit” by the government to bear children; however, the true reasons lie in the sexist and racist prejudice of those in positions of power. The research sources will include; detailed anecdotes from the women who were assaulted, scholarly articles depicting the trauma of having your rights taken, and the effects of colorism and racist policies that allowed for this act to continue. Over 300,000 women were sterilized by the Peruvian government during the candidacy of Alberto Fujimori between 1995-2001 (Lizarzaburu). Women living with HIV were 23% more likely to face pressure or tactics of coercion if their provider knew about their diagnosis (Kendall, Albert). Although many lawsuits have been brought up they fail to indicate how forced sterilization is a direct result of discrimination of minority groups (Patel).
P48. “Islamic Traditions on Forced and Arranged Marriages”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Avyan Mejdeen
Mentor(s): Dr. Anne Mocko, Dr. Sonja Wentling
This project will examine Muslim traditions around marriage, with specific focus on arranged and forced marriages. It will compare and contrast arranged and forced marriage practices in Islam in the Western world (Europe/North America) and the Middle Eastern world. It will examine the variety of Muslim ideas and practices around marriage by researching Quranic text in relation to marriage, teachings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), and cultural differences and the impact it has on marriage within Islam. This concept will help compare and contrast cultural expectations versus religious expectations around marriage in the Muslim faith. I want to educate my peers by making a pamphlet for student success offices at campuses across the Fargo- Moorhead area. These pamphlets will allow campuses to aid students in a variety of resources if they go through a forced or arranged marriage. I will also be distributing these pamphlets among domestic violence shelters in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
P49. “Harriet A. Jacobs: The Formation of Anti-Racist and Feminist Ideas Throughout the Life of a Slave Girl”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Ann Vanderlinde, Beth Vanderlinde
Mentor(s): Dr. Richard Chapman
Historian of race and discriminatory policy in American history and anti-racist advocate Ibram X. Kendi outlines in his book, Stamped From the Beginning, the key concept that racial disparities are caused by racial discrimination. The institution of slavery, and the social and gender hierarchies it constructed, demonstrate how the policies of the Antebellum South created racial disparities for slaves. A close-up exploration of the life of Harriet A. Jacobs (1812-1897), through examination of her autobiography and secondary historical works, provides clear evidence that racial disparities more heavily impacted Black women compared to their male counterparts. The lengths Jacobs went to in order to avoid sexual harassment and promote literacy among slaves demonstrates the extent to which slavery permitted racial and sexual disparities to persist. Finally, Jacobs’s female voice underscores a kind of double-disparity enslaved women suffered, and which Jacobs valiantly resisted.
P50. “Ona Judge Anti-Racism”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Niesha Mancini, Ivy Johnson
Mentor(s): Dr. Richard Chapman
This research project explores the life of Ona Judge, a dower slave of George Washington at Mount Vernon. It will illustrate how she promoted anti-racist ideas and values through her life and work. As historian Ibram X. Kendi elaborates, anti-racism is a process of actively identifying and opposing racism with the goal of challenging and changing racist policies, behaviors, and beliefs. For Kendi, effective anti-racism means more than just challenging individual racist actions and ideas, but requires confronting racist policies and institutional patterns. In 1796, Judge fled the presidential mansion in Philadelphia with the aid of the city’s free African-American community. She then lived a long and productive life working and raising a family in the environs of Greenland, New Hampshire, all the while a fugitive slave right up until her death in 1848.
P51. “The Role of Sexist Attitudes and Stigma Consciousness on Romantic Relational Quality”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Aiyana Jollie-Trottier, Hanna Walica
Mentor(s): Dr. Darcie Sell
This study investigates stigma consciousness as a moderator of the effect of ambivalent sexism on romantic relational quality. Ambivalent sexism theory states that sexism has two components, hostile and benevolent sexism, that work together to maintain power differences between genders. Hostile sexism are negative beliefs about women violating traditional gender roles, while benevolent sexism involves beliefs associated with stereotypically positive attributes of women. Within heterosexual romantic relationships, benevolent and hostile sexism function to maintain traditional relationship roles for men and women. We hypothesize that men’s hostile sexism will have negative effects on relational quality for both men and women and that men’s benevolent sexism will have positive effects on relational quality for women. Women’s stigma consciousness, the awareness of the probability of being stereotyped, can influence behavior in gender-salient situations. In heterosexual relationships, we hypothesize that women with high stigma consciousness will report lower relationship quality when their partner promotes ambivalent sexism. Heterosexual couples participated in this study by completing an online survey measuring relational quality, ambivalent sexism and stigma consciousness; partners were asked to complete the surveys separately. To account for nonindependence in dyads, data will be analyzed using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM).
P52. “The Reinforcement of Gendered and Racial Stereotypes in the Depiction of Female Characters in Mainstream Multiplayer Online Video Games”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Centrum
Student Author(s): Sofia Perez Chupina
Mentor(s): Dr. Indira Neill Hoch
This research paper analyzes female character depictions that perpetuate gendered and racial stereotypes in video games. Video games play a big part of people’s lives with 64% of the US population participating in video games (Fitzgerald, n.d.). Furthermore, women account for 41% of total gamers (Fitzgerald, n.d.-a). Specifically, this research explores depictions of female characters of three mainstream multiplayer online video games: League of Legends by Riot Games (2009), Valorant by Riot Games (2020), and Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment (2016). Previous research has found that video games are composed of more male characters than female characters, and that more sexualized female characters prevail (Braun & Giroux, 1989; Dietz, 1998; Downs & Smith, 2010). Through textual and visual analysis of character roles, abilities and physical characteristics, this research found the majority of female characters in these three games hold secondary roles– roles designed to support, heal, and assist the main combat roles. These results aligned with research that finds that although there has been a decrease of sexualization of female characters since the 1990s and that the number of female characters has generally increased (Lynch, et al., 2016), these characters are often still designed to be secondary or supportive to the male character counterparts. Additionally, the analysis on specific female characters found elements of racial stereotypes in their design. Since representation in media can have severe consequences in people’s judgment and world perceptions (Burgess 2011), it is important to acknowledge perpetuated stereotypes portrayed in an interactive medium that is video games.
P20*. “Gold, Riches and Racism: The Narratives of German Colonialism”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Stormi Buster
Mentor(s): Dr. Jonathan Clark
This presentation will explore the narratives which fed into the German colonial efforts of the late-19th and early-20th Centuries in Africa and Asia. With the promise of gold, riches and other exotic materials, and a desire to compete with other colonial powers, Germany began its journey to colonize. However, the conditions which allowed for this colonizing effort began much earlier: in earlier colonial attempts, in racial theories and ideologies, and in the science of eugenics. In addition to investigating the pre-colonial narratives, this presentation will also provide information on the Berlin Congo Conference of 1884 and the areas affected by German colonialism. Finally, this presentation will highlight the voices of this colonial heritage.
*This poster is also presented in Poster Session 1 and provides an introduction to additional presentations on this topic in both poster sessions.
P53. “Turmoil and Tragedy: The Legacy of Colonialism in German Southwest Africa”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm)| KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Alexander Voigt
Mentor(s): Dr. Jonathan Clark
From 1884 to 1915, the German Empire controlled the colony of Southwest Africa, or modern-day Namibia. This tumultuous period was marked with tensions between German colonists and indigenous tribes, eventually culminating in the Herero and Nama Genocide, now considered to be the first genocide of the 20th century. This poster presentation will explore the historical context of the German colonial effort in Southwest Africa and the effect that the colonial period had on Namibia. Particular emphasis will be placed on accounts centering Herero and Nama perspectives, including firsthand accounts from survivors of the genocide. Additionally, it will examine the remnants of racist and imperialist ideology as they exist in modern German society, from the holding of indigenous skulls in German museums to the ongoing debate over reparations for the descendants of those affected. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to open up conversations regarding the impact of colonialism both on the colonizers and the colonized, and to amplify diverse perspectives on this important issue.
P54. “Alternative Darkroom Processes”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Evan Hart, Anna Nichols
Mentor(s): Chris Mortenson
Our goal was to create value curves for each alternative process that can be applied upon a digital negative for a reproducible outcome. Our research results are entirely unique to Concordia’s darkroom and exposure unit. The results are beneficial to future Concordia students enrolled in Intermediate Photography. For each specific process we started by mixing the chemicals for the emulsions and developing processes. Then, we coated pieces of paper with our mixed chemical solution. In order to determine the true black value, with the ultimate goal of finding the proper exposure for each process, we conducted a value test to discover the correct amount of corresponding light units. At this point, we created digital negatives using Photoshop, altering each process’s curve using a base image. Using our digital negatives, we utilized an exposure unit to expose our emulsified paper for the duration of time needed to reach the previously found light units. This allowed us to create a pre-developed print with the correct exposure. Once exposed, the papers were developed according to their specific process, which usually consisted of a developer bath, clearing, and final wash. Through trial and error, we eventually found replicable results that would be useful for future students enrolled in photography and darkroom courses. As a result, we created value curve templates for each alternative process. These can be applied upon any photograph to create a digital negative, and print images using an alternative darkroom process.
P55. “Resisting the Resistant: Soil Bacteria Display Antibiotic Activity Against Gram Negative Pathogens”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Abigail Vogeler, Laura Kotz, Emma Allen, Vladimir Lind, Elizabeth Breckenridge
Mentor(s): Dr. Ellen Aho
Existing antibiotics are steadily becoming less effective against resistant bacteria, yet new antibiotic discovery has remained limited. Gram negative antibiotic resistant pathogens belonging to the genera Escherichia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Neisseria are threats to global public health. One approach to new antibiotic discovery is to screen soil bacteria for their ability to produce antimicrobial substances. Previous teams at Concordia have participated in the international Tiny Earth undergraduate antibiotic discovery initiative and used this approach to identify 29 soil isolates that showed preliminary activity against Escherichia, Pseudomonas, or Acinetobacter. The goals of our project are to further characterize these isolates and to develop protocols for screening soil bacteria for activity against Neisseria, which display more challenging growth requirements than the other target bacteria. We performed three replicates of spread-patch testing to examine each of the 29 soil isolates for antibiotic activity against Escherichia, Pseudomonas, and Acinetobacter. Twelve of the isolates showed reproducible activity against at least one target strain. In order to achieve genus-level identification of these isolates, we performed PCR and amplified a portion of the 16S rRNA gene. Ongoing studies include purification of PCR products and DNA sequence analyses. We also carried out ethyl acetate extractions on the active soil isolates as a first step toward identifying the antimicrobial compounds they are producing. We identified antibiotic activity in crude extracts from four isolates. The next phase of our project includes testing chemical extracts of the producer strains against Neisseria and piloting transferable methods for analyzing soil isolates for anti-neisserial activity.
P56. “Authenticating Aspirin Brands Using LC-MS/MS”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Wai Than
Mentor(s): Dr. Brian Logue, South Dakota State University
There has been a high illicit market for counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs that have been sold throughout the world. Although counterfeit pharmaceuticals are easily accessed and highly profited, they have negative effects on consumers including death. One main approach to identifying counterfeit drugs is through source authentication via chemical analysis since our lab can afford and access to different analytical instruments are not easily accessed to the public and our chemical analysis can’t be copied easily by counterfeiters. This research was done during the summer of 2021 mentored by Dr.Brian Logue and his group from South Dakota State University. The main purpose of this research is to develop a method for authenticating aspirin and analyzing it with an analytical instrument called the LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Tandem Mass Spectrometry) with the aid of a statistical framework done by Janean Hanka (REU student), Dr.Chris Saunders, and Cami Fulgesby (NRT and Graduate Student). My goals would be to first, establish a sample preparation method and LC-MS/MS method for analysis of aspirin brands. Hopefully, by meeting these first two goals, we could move on to authenticating individual pills of the same aspirin brand. These two goals are a major factor in setting up a counterfeiting method specifically for aspirin and are possibly tested out in other pharmaceutical drugs. The method that we will be using is a sample preparation method of aspirin in an aqueous solution (DI water) which won’t be using special extraction techniques and learning to use LCMS/MS which we will analyze our samples on. It will be finding the right concentrations of our samples and stationary and mobile phases to give us better results in the LC-MS/MS. So far for our results, we have found different excipients in aspirin, but still trying to adjust our method in order to collect good data and haven’t reached the statistical analysis part yet. This method of authenticating aspirin would be specifically just for the LC-MS/MS.
P57. “The Hiring Problem: Modifications and Win Strategies”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Chi Tran
Mentor(s): Dr. Julia Walk
Our research focuses on optimal stopping problems in the context of the Secretary Problem, a scenario in which a fixed number of candidates, N, are interviewed one at a time and given a unique relative rank. There is a known optimal strategy for hiring the best candidate in the classical version of the problem. We are interested in finding strategies that will help us hire the best candidate in variations of the secretary problem. These include permutation pattern avoidance to avoid less-desirable scenarios, consecutive permutation pattern avoidance, and optimal strike set.
P58. “Data Analysis of River Variability”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Megan Madill, Cody Urie, Landry Maragos, Christian Thingvold, Breanna Nelson
Mentor(s): Dr. Joe Whittaker
This project analyzed how the pH, conductance, invertebrates, and water clarity vary in the Buffalo River, Sheyenne River, and Wild Rice River. This research is important to understand the relationships, if present, between invertebrate count, pH, conductance, and water clarity. A scoop net was used to scoop the ground for 1 minute straight. We used an invertebrate’s guide to identify what kinds of invertebrates we found (Batson M. el al., 2010). Water was collected in bottles and a conductance meter was placed into the water. A small current was sent through the water to measure the electrical resistance. Water was collected in a glass jar and a paper pH strip was dipped in to record the pH of the water. A clear secchi tube that contained a weighted disk was filled with water to the top and water was released from the tube until we were able to see the checkered disk or screw at the bottom (MPCA, 2017). Invertebrate count and pH were found to not have significant values between rivers. Conductance was significant (F2,6 = 1379.01 ; p < 0.01) and water clarity was also significant (F2,6 = 827.70 ; p < 0.01). The findings were significant and showed relationship between water clarity and conductance, and between invertebrate count and pH levels were not significant, so no concise conclusions could be made.
P59. “Oakport Prairie Monitoring Plan”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Hannah Gilsdorf, Aaron Holslin, Casey Isaacson, Zachary Buchholz
Mentor(s): Dr. Jennifer Sweatman
For thousands of years, wild grazing animals roamed natural prairies, helping to stimulate plant growth and promote health. Unfortunately, with the loss of grassland prairie habitats and the domestication of grazing animals, this is no longer a common phenomenon. While efforts are now being taken to reclaim prairie lands, the effect of grazing animals has yet to be replicated. However, Audubon Dakota has recently been approved to introduce grazing sheep to the reclaimed Oakport Prairie. The purpose of our project is to develop a monitoring plan that will study the effects of this experimental management technique being undertaken on the outskirts of Moorhead. The project represents a collaboration between Audubon Dakota and Concordia College to integrate into course curricula monitoring efforts observing important indicators for overall prairie health. Specifically, the monitoring plan will create protocols to observe the presence of small mammals, predators, vegetation diversity, structure and richness, arthropods, and soil carbon levels at Oakport Prairie. The monitoring plan will also implement protocols to monitor public opinion regarding the sheep introduction to the prairie. Integration of these studies into class curricula will allow Audubon Dakota to collaborate with students in the collection of data, will give students field experience that will be beneficial to their education, and will further develop transferable skills while expanding their professional network.
P60. “Line 3 and Environmental Justice: Christian and Indigenous Perspectives”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Olivia Vergin, Zachary Strickland
Mentor(s): Dr. Michelle Lelwica
Certain traditional Christian theological narratives have historically provided moral justification for domination and exploitation of the planet because these understandings encourage Christians to view the planet is a set of resources to be extracted for profit. Alternatively, traditional Indigenous wisdom offers a view of Earth as sacred and consisting of human-nature relationships based in reciprocity. These two competing views of humanity’s relationship with and to nature came to direct conflict during the recent installation of the Line 3 Tar Sands pipeline in northern MN. Our project investigates how justifications of Line 3 align with some traditional Christian theological narratives, while Indigenous responses claim that the project threatens all that Indigenous people hold sacred and is a form of violence against the land and people. Our research process involves pulling from books and journal articles discussing Christian ecological theory, Indigenous perceptions of the sacred, and Indigenous environmental justice to reveal certain narratives that are persisting in northern Minnesota today. We anticipate that our results will show that discourse and sentiments from Enbridge Inc. and Minnesotan supporters of Line 3 contain anthropocentric narratives with roots in Christian theologies that implicitly offer support for the proliferation of fossil fuels and the installation of oil pipelines that disrupt ecosystems. We also expect to find Indigenous dialogue that reflects worldviews seeing Earth as kin and view intrusive oil pipelines as another form of neo-colonialist, Christian exploitation and oppression of vulnerable land and people.
P61. “Learning and Study Strategies Effectiveness Among Underrepresented Students”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Annika Maser
Mentor(s): Dr. Mona Ibrahim, Dr. Mark Jensen
Given the relatively low retention and success rates of college students in STEM fields, incorporating learning and studies strategies may be helpful for these students, especially those from underrepresented groups. In this study, pre and post Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) data were gathered for two cohorts of undergraduate participants who declared STEM majors as incoming students. Both cohorts were enrolled in a course focused on teaching Metacognitive Learning Strategies during their first semester at college. Results found a significant difference between Pre and Post LASSI scores among both cohorts. In addition, data indicate that using Metacognitive Learning Strategies may help narrow the gender and income gap among STEM students. Overall, this study can be applied to supporting the success of underrepresented students in the STEM field.
P62. “German Colonialism in East Africa and its Impact”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Alex Brings
Mentor(s): Dr. Jonathan Clark
This poster presentation will address how German colonialism impacted Eastern Africa by examining the treatment of the native population and the images of German East Africa as it was seen by the Germans. The poster will provide information on German East Africa, today known as Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania: the geography, important figures, products flowing in and out of this area and events during the course of the German colonizing efforts. This includes includes the treatment of the indigenous peoples by the Germans, which eventually culminated in the Maji Maji rebellion and the effects of this uprising. I will most importantly show how the legacy of colonialism and its impact on life in Germany today and in the area known as German East Africa. I hope this presentation will be both informative and give rise to discussion about racism and the legacy of colonialism.
P63. “The German Colonial Imprint on Qingdao and its Legacy”
15:45 – 17:00 (3:45 – 5:00 pm) | KCC Atrium
Student Author(s): Jacen Bracko
Mentor(s): Dr. Jonathan Clark
This poster presentation will look at the German colonial imprint on the city of Qingdao. Emphasis will be placed on how this affected the Qingdao local population as well as the impacts the colony had on German views towards China. The goal of this poster is to shed light on the German colony and events that have been overlooked in history as well as the untold stories of the Qingdao people. My research method will consist of examining primary and secondary sources produced in both English and German concerning the Qingdao colony and its lasting impact. The poster will include a short introduction on the background information of Qingdao itself and then move into information about the German occupation. Focus will be placed on the perspective of the local population and conflicts that arose. Emphasis will also be placed on the lasting material and social impact that the German colony had on the people and the area. It will also look at how this colonial period affects the contemporary views of Germans towards China and vice versa.