C01. “From the Bank of the River”
10:30 – 10:50 | ISC 201
Student Author(s): David Kelm
Mentor(s): W. Scott Olsen
This is a work of creative nonfiction that unpacks the dynamics of guilt and saviorism when the narrator interacts with poverty along the Red River. It paints a picture of someone trying to understand their own privilege in contrast with the other person in the story; it stretches over five months and is told through sporadic dates as it follows the narrator’s train of thought and consciousness. It develops on the themes of guilt, saviorism, privilege, and poverty within the Moorhead community, as the narrator seeks to better understand the situation he has found himself in, and how to approach it appropriately.
C02. “Climate Anxiety Response, Engagement, and Support”
10:50 – 11:10 | ISC 201
Student Author(s): Lydia Durrett, Grace Halvorson, Megan Blatti
Mentor(s): Dr. Jonathan Steinwand
Eco-anxiety, or ecological grief, is a term used to describe fear about current and future environmental harm caused by anthropogenic climate change. The purpose of this project is to educate individuals on the impacts climate change has on mental health. Eco-anxiety is a concern for students, communities, and the world, though it is overlooked in discussions regarding sustainability, environmental justice, climate change, activism, and mental/physical health. Ecological grief must be better understood in order to help those who are affected, find ways to reduce its demoralizing effects, and work towards individual and systemic change. Through gaining knowledge about eco-anxiety, we will become equipped to channel the energy created by working together towards significant change. We compiled sources on the topic as well as various approaches to dealing with the effects of eco-anxiety on individual and community levels. Information was organized based on eco-anxiety definitions, impacts on individuals and the environment, and steps towards both personal and climate health. A toolkit will be developed based on this framework to further educate young adults on the impacts of ecological grief and climate change, along with including ways to become engaged in environmental activism. We anticipate that by working to equip Concordia students, staff, and faculty with tools to relieve the maladaptive impacts of eco-anxiety, we will build a more adaptive community that prioritizes mental health through working for sustainability and environmental justice.
C03. “Immunotherapy and Cancer: A Brief Glimpse into an Exciting New Treatment”
10:30 – 10:50 | ISC 260
Student Author(s): Matt Rohleder
Mentor(s): Dr. John Flaspohler
Cancer has historically and currently demonstrated the highest mortality rate amongst major diseases. An extensive amount of research has sought to treat and in some cases cure cancer. While traditional chemotherapy and radiation can be effective, they can have negative side effects. In the field of immune-oncology there is a growing body of research using immunotherapy to help the immune system fight off cancer. Under the direction of Dr. John Flaspohler, I will present research on different forms of immunotherapy utilizing bacteria, the body’s own macrophages, and natural killer cells. I will also present research on the history of immunotherapy and why it can prove to be an effective treatment of some cancers. I hope to demonstrate that immunotherapy is an effective and increasingly common tool with room for improvement. I will present several specific forms of immunotherapy and how they harness our increasing knowledge of the immune system to battle cancer. I will compare these different approaches against each other and against traditional methods of cancer treatment to determine their feasibility and their impact on cancer treatment and prevention of cancer recurrence. I expect to demonstrate that immunotherapies in many cases deliver a safer and more effective treatment compared to traditional methods, while still recognizing that they have limits and require more research in order to be most effectively used in the medical field.
C04. “Determination of the Efficacy of Chitosan-Alginate Bioplastics as a Delivery System of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen”
10:50 – 11:10 | ISC 260
Student Author(s): Lauryn Hinckley
Mentor(s): Dr. Graeme Wyllie
How an analgesic is released from a pill or similar delivery system is critical in alleviating pain, with recent studies showing that slow release gel caps have the same release rates as fast acting analgesics. Chitosan-alginate bioplastics have been investigated as a potential drug as a biocompatible and inexpensive release system for acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Chitosan is the soluble derivative of chitin, a structural material which is extracted from the exoskeleton of crustaceans. Alginate is extracted from brown seaweed, which introduces more durability to the chitosan-alginate bioplastic. Bioplastics were prepared, impregnated with acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and the extent of the pharmaceutical which is incorporated in the bioplastic was determined. Pieces of these bioplastics were then immersed in a series of solutions to measure release rate. Analysis was carried out using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) after a suitable method was developed for the separation and quantification of the two drugs. Individual release rates of acetaminophen and ibuprofen were determined separately from a series of chitosan-alginate bioplastics containing these drugs. Differing release rates of the pharmaceuticals were found in different conditions, such as volumes of water and acid. In addition to investigating release, the physical changes in the bioplastics, such as swelling following immersion was investigated. Thank you to Sigma Zeta for funding this project through a research grant. Additional thank you to Analytical Instruments, of Minnesota, for the generous donation of the HPLC system for use in the teaching lab and undergraduate research.
C05. “Characterization of Pyridine and Perfluoropyridine Products”
10:30 – 10:50 | ISC 301
Student Author(s): Matthew Locklear, Colin Schuller
Mentor(s): Dr. Darin Ulness, Dr. Mark Gealy
The purpose of our research was to explore the reaction of Pyridine and Perfluoropyridine. The reaction appears to be driven by interaction between Pyridine and a “pi-hole” created by the Fluorines in Perfluoropyridine. The focus of our summer research was on characterizing the optical properties of the solid products formed in this reaction. Research was also done on separation and solvent interaction to better understand the mechanism behind the reaction. This presentation will be the first of three that will be presented by our research group, the focus of this presentation is on the background and early research on this reaction. Solvent analysis and further work with sublimation experiments are also discussed.
C06. “Generating All b-Prime Fully Augmented Links”
10:50 – 11:10 | ISC 301
Student Author(s): Leah Mork
Mentor(s): Dr. Rolland Trapp, CSUSB
In a effort to enumerate fully augmented links that are not belted-sum decomposable (b-prime), this work will present an operation, called complete augmentation, on prime links that will produce all b-prime fully augmented links (FAL). A lemma proven by Jorge Calvo in 1985 will be vital in order to prove all completely augmented prime links will result in a b-prime FAL.
C07. “Effect of Vivaldi Music Enrichment on Anxiety and Memory in Wild-Type Zebrafish”
10:30 – 10:50 | Jones A
Student Author(s): Brook Tilahun, Kate Loidolt, Eunice Kayitare
Mentor(s): Harshana De Silva Feelixge, Dr. Krys Strand
Our lab studies zebrafish as a model organism for multiple sclerosis (MS). Our aim is to evaluate the effects of environmental enrichment on myelin repair and behavioral symptoms of MS. In our pilot study over the summer, we focused on Vivaldi music enrichment in wild-type zebrafish using behavioral tasks that measure anxiety (novel tank test) and memory (novel object recognition). The novel tank test is straightforward and records the amount of time fish spend at the bottom of the tank and the latency for them to explore the middle and top zones. Fish who spend more time at the bottom of the tank display increased anxiety compared to fish exploring all zones of the tank. The novel object recognition test is more complicated in that the design of the objects is crucial to obtaining reliable data. Zebrafish can see colors in the visible light spectrum and have some baseline level of anxiety; therefore, designing objects that are recognized as different, but not threatening is key. We tested three different designs of Lego objects using a variety of colors and patterns in this experiment. Our results helped us establish a baseline for novel object recognition in wildtype zebrafish, and we will use the most effective object designs to study the effect of music enrichment on memory in remyelinating fish in the future. In our presentation, we will describe our study design and discuss the results of the behavioral tests in enriched and non-enriched wild-type zebrafish.
C08. “Artificial Intelligence in Today’s World”
10:50 – 11:10 | Jones A
Student Author(s): Rita Adejudge
Mentor(s): Dr. Ahmed Kamel
Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the science of writing programs that mimic human behaviors. Since the development of artificial intelligence in 1935, there have been advancements in professions that focus on cyber security, psychology, machine learning, music, and natural language processing, among many others. In this context, intelligence can be defined using Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence; Sternberg’s theory substantiated the belief that there are three abilities that intelligent beings can possess: the ability to be analytical, creative, and practical. This study aims to consider the scope of artificial intelligence in our contemporary society and the potential for artificial intelligence systems to meet the criteria for Triarchic intelligence.
C09. “La adquisición del vibrante múltiple en español”
10:30 – 10:50 | Jones B
Student Author(s): Aaron Noble
Mentor(s): Dr. Alexander Aldrich
El vibrante múltiple es uno de los sonidos más difíciles de adquirir en español. Puesto que no existe ningún sonido similar en inglés, los angloparlantes que desean aprender español pueden tener dificultades con la pronunciación. El enfoque de este estudio es el proceso y las prácticas comunes que se utiliza para adquirir el vibrante múltiple, para que puedan alcanzar la pronunciación correcta los que estudian español. Además, la meta es mostrar que requiere tiempo y paciencia para lograr este sonido. Una reseña bibliográfica fue llevada a cabo para investigar. El vibrante múltiple en español se representa fonéticamente por /r/ y típicamente consiste en tres rollos de la lengua, o aperturas, durando entre 58 y 103 milisegundos. Para analizar la aprehensión del sonido, varios investigadores han estudiado la pronunciación del vibrante múltiple de los niños. Se encontró que a menudo es el último sonido que se aprende, entre las edades de tres y seis años. Es común que se sustituye otros sonidos en lugar de lo actual, un proceso llamado “economizar.” Muchas personas típicamente economizan con el vibrante simple, un golpecito contra el techo de la boca, u otras sustituciones. Algunos errores que se cometen incluyen usar menos aperturas, duraciones de aperturas más largas y la forma o posición de la lengua. Estos descubrimientos muestran que el vibrante múltiple es difícil de adquirir para tanto los angloparlantes como hispanoparlantes. También demuestran los hábitos de evitar para perfeccionar la pronunciación.
This presentation will be given in Spanish.
C10. “Reducción vocálica: Qué es y su efecto en diferentes niveles de dominio del habla hispanohablantes”
10:50 – 11:10 | Jones B
Student Author(s): Emma Hagemeier
Mentor(s): Dr. Alexander Aldrich
La reducción de vocales es el cambio del sonido de la vocal de una palabra en español. Puede ser un cambio de cantidad, o duración, de una vocal en una palabra, o puede ser un cambio de calidad, o sonido, de una vocal en una palabra. En el idioma inglés, el ejemplo más popular de esto es el “schwa”, el sonido que hace una vocal cuando está en una sílaba no está acentuada. Los dos son fenómenos que ocurren en dialectos diferentes de español, y con personas bilingües de inglés y español. Hay muchos estudios que investigan diferentes niveles de habla hispana y explican por qué ocurre este fenómeno. El método de investigación que utilicé fue la revisión de fuentes primarias. La investigación encontró que la reducción de vocales puede resultar en una barrera de idioma diferente. Reducción de la cantidad puede ser difícil para los estudiantes de español, que no son tan rápidos para comprender la palabra. También, el uso del “schwa” en hablantes bilingües puede resultar en un “acento extranjero”.
This presentation will be given in Spanish.
C11. “”A Streetcar Named Destruction”: The Role of Destruction in A Streetcar Named Desire”
10:30 – 10:50 | Olin 124
Student Author(s): Laura Jensen
Mentor(s): Dr. James Postema
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, is considered one of America’s most well-known plays. Its notoriety only grew after the 1951 film adaptation starring Marlon Brando and Vivien Leigh hit theaters, bringing Williams’ story about the intersections of love and hate to audiences around the world. A Streetcar Named Desire remains memorable for its shocking storylines, genuine characters, and unforgettable writing. It tests what we think we know about people by bringing destruction to the forefront of the action. In the characters of Blanche, Stanley, and Stella, Williams shows the complexity of human behavior through their patterns of internal and external destruction. By reviewing the hard realities of this destruction, my paper seeks to bring to light the real stories behind the quotable lines and unbelievable characters. When you dig into these characters, removing the exaggerated drama that makes the play entertaining to audiences, what remains is humanity, the idea that we are all just creations of the world around us, for better or worse.
C12. “Utilizing Cognitive Dissonance to Examine Breaking Commitments in Undergraduate Romantic Relationships”
10:50 – 11:10 | Olin 124
Student Author(s): Micah Christiansen, Carmen Krueger
Mentor(s): Dr. Anna Semanko
Commitments are an integral part of romantic relationships. What happens when individuals in dating relationships do not follow through on the commitments they make? The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Festinger, 1957) posits that when a dating partner breaks commitments, an uncomfortable tension could result. The tension results from having dissonant cognitions: knowing that one should follow through on commitments yet breaking them anyway. With this research, we sought to further understand the magnitude of dissonance experienced in these situations – something that is not well-examined in the literature or within this context. To examine the magnitude of dissonance, we qualitatively coded participant essays (N=134) describing instances in which they did not follow through on commitments to their dating partners. We coded our findings by labeling the dissonant cognitions (instances when the partner did not follow through with commitments), consonant cognitions (instances when the partner did follow through on commitments), and justifications (reasons why the participants did not follow through on their commitments). In addition, we coded overarching themes about types of commitments and the ‘love languages’ the commitments are associated with (words of affirmation, physical touch, receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service; Chapman, 2009). In doing so, we can gain critical insight into how romantic relationships, specifically undergraduate dating relationships, function and operate. We predict that individuals with more dissonant cognitions and fewer consonant cognitions/justifications will have a higher magnitude of dissonance. We anticipate that our hypothesis will be supported. Our final results associated with this research will be presented.